

#28 - I am thankful for Social Media

Yup, it is true. I appreciate and find value in Social Media. I Facebook, I Tweet, and sometimes I Pin and Instagram. 

I find it fast, easy, convenient. I find it is a "one stop shop" to keep people in the loop.

Yes, it has some downsides. People OVER share ... I mean REALLY over share.

People climb on their virtual soapboxes more than they should and more than they probably would in person.

People are bolder than maybe they would be in person because there is less accountability. 

Despite all that, it works for me. It allows me to keep my friends who aren't here day to day involved in the comings and goings in Romanskiville. 

It allows us to stay connected when my parents journey south for the winter.

It is a way for me to share my writing with a bigger audience.

And there was that Apple Pie Sangria recipe that has changed the face of every fall and winter gathering that I will have or attend.  

For me the pluses far outweigh the negatives. 

#28 - I am thankful for Social Media

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