
Giving Thanks

# 27 - I am thankful for this day

This has been a challenging year  ... there has been heartbreak, uncertainty, so much change, and so much unsettled.

All that being said, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It is a chance to gather family and it is all about the food. There are no gifts required. If you are not responsible for the turkey and trimmings it is pretty low stress.

I love how you can wake up slowly on Thanksgiving morning and you aren't rushing to the tree or to Easter baskets. 

This year we stayed in our pajamas until after 9 am. The girls watched the parade and played with their dolls. I was able to sit with my cup of coffee instead of carrying it around while I pack lunches, backpacks, and briefcases. 

My parents hosted a delicious and plentiful meal in the afternoon. All four kids played together like the best of friends. The boys watched football, the ladies scanned sale flyers and there was PIE!  Amazing PIE!

It was a simple day but after this year with job loss and finding new ways we were able to focus on all that we have. 

Sometimes you get so distracted in the day to day you forget all you have to be thankful for. I am thankful that, Thanksgiving, the actual day and celebration reminded me. 

We are so VERY blessed.

# 27 - I am thankful for this day

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