
Sometimes it is all about the simple things

#22 - I am thankful for "free shipping"

I know, I know "no such thing as a free lunch." My husband, the guy driving around in bad weather for 10-11 hours, will not be pleased when he reads this one either, but given the lack of time I am kid less to shop .. this is huge. 

#23 - I am thankful for flannel sheets

It has gotten drastically colder here in Romanskiville. There is nothing nicer than climbing into bed and snuggling into those flannel sheets.

#24 - I am thankful for my iPad
First of all, I love technology. My iPad Air ... I often carry it more than my purse. It has my calendar, I can do my banking from it, it stores hours of my favorite music. I can take it to the gym and watch movies while I exercise. I can read a book on it while I wait for an appointment. Life changing.

#25 - I am thankful for good slippers
Seriously, who does not want warm, dry feet. I have the LL Bean, fur lined ones with the rubber soles .. love them .. probably more than you should love slippers.

#26 - I am thankful for "pay at the pump"
Not having to run inside to pay in bad weather or when I have 2 kids in boosters and belts to herd to and fro ... best invention. EVER.

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