
Who You Calling a Writer?

#9 - I am thankful that people read my writing

In 2008 I started writing a blog. If you are reading this now, lucky you, you found it. I was a good student in high school .. an honor student, graduated in the top 10 of my class and was in the National Honor Society. That meant Honors English ... and that meant writing .. papers .. poetry ... OMG .. the most painful Junior English paper on an author that just about killed both Mrs. Panciera AND me. Seriously, over Christmas break I went to her house and worked on the paper with her. Looking back, that woman was a saint, I mean who really wants their 11th grade English students at their house the last week of December. She honestly gave us every opportunity to knock that assignment out of the park. Not sure that I did.

I have long advertised myself as a "math/science" person. For years I've told people that I am not a writer, that I am not creative, that I don't care much for the abstract. When I was in college and grad school I did some tutoring - always in computer and math classes. When my dad asked for some help with a paper when I was home on break one year I offered the disclaimer "you are going to get a B/B+ on this paper if I help you .. that is what I am a B/B+ writer" ... 

When I was struggling through papers and poetry it never occurred to me that some day I would look forward to sitting at the computer to create a blog post to share with a wider audience. I started my blog mainly to keep family and friends up to date when the girls were little. It did not ever occur to me that people would look forward to what I had to say. That people would think I was funny and entertaining. It definitely NEVER occurred to me that people would tell me that I had talent, that I was "such a good writer." I laughed out loud the first time someone told me that I should write a book. Funny thing is .. people read my blog, the software tracks how many hits, so I know it just isn't me and my parents.

It has become a bit of an outlet for me - when I am happy, excited, angry or confused .. I write .. sometimes I go too fast and I leave out words or use the wrong to/too/two ... sometimes it is hard for my hands to keep up with my brain. 

Even if there is never a book there is this sort of digital chronicle for the girls to read when they are older. I'll keep writing as long as people keep reading. 

#9 - I am thankful that people read my writing

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love reading your posts. Look for them daily!!