
Day One, Two, and Three

Here we are in the month of November. I like to think that I am the kind of person that really appreciates all I have but I really like the idea of the "Thirty Days of Thanks" that has so many people posting on Facebook.

As usually happens around here .. I'm a few days behind. Here's day one, two and three

#1 - I am thankful for Family Saturdays

Saturday started out like usual, Paul took Kristen to dance and then came home. We headed out for a quick lunch and then ran errands.  It was windy and rainy as we drove around back roads but we spotted geese, horses, and one of the farms that is part of The Farmer's Cow. The girls had recently had a taste test of their chocolate milk so they thought that was pretty cool.

We rented a movie from Red Box and headed home.  The girls watched the movie, we did puzzles, and had breakfast for dinner. Nothing extraordinary, but a great day just the same. 

#2 - I am thankful for Sunday Night Bowling

For years Paul and I have bowled on Sunday nights we joined the league even before we were married. For 3 hours, every Sunday, for 36 weeks we spend time together.... bowling. We catch up on the week, we laugh, and we hang out with 2 of our closest friends. We leave our kids home, have a couple of beers and a little adult conversation. I am convinced that this weekly "date night" is part of the reason that our marriage is so solid. 

#3 - I am thankful for perseverance

It has been 6 months since I was laid off. There have been countless applications, phone interviews, a couple of face to face interviews, and rejections. When the alarm goes off each morning, I get up and my plan is just to keep moving forward because there is something better coming and that might be the day that it decides to arrive. 

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