
Sisterhood of the Traveling Bags

# 16 - I am thankful for my "little" sister

Today I spent most the day with my sister and we didn't have our kids. It is a big deal because we hardly EVER get to spend time together ... alone. It isn't that we don't get along it is just that we move in different circles. They camp, we don't. They have a boy who is busy .. Scouts and Baseball -- practices, games, Fall Ball ... we don't have those same activities. 

That made today even more special. We got to talk, uninterrupted, about a bunch of stuff. We had a 45 min ride to where we were going (Google Maps actually said closer to 55 but Heidi drove) so it was nice.

We had breakfast on the way there and lunch/dinner before we headed home. I got to order an appetizer that came with cheese dip because she would share it with me ... unlike last night when we had to skip the cheese in the salad because Paul was with us.

We were at a meeting for a business that I am working hard to get off the ground, we got a free gift, a new tote bag .... after the meeting .. we strategized some about making some December goals. 

Then we headed home and back to our crazy households. The beauty of having a sister .. she's always there!

I see that with my girls already .. how they really enjoy being together ..well most of the time. 

# 16 - I am thankful for my "little" sister

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