
Where Everyone Knows Your Name ...

There is this quaint little restaurant in Norwich called The Pantry. I'm not sure how I discovered it but I share it whenever I can. It is different from the usual pizza and grinder shop and it isn't diner like either. It is a little more upscale. Everything is made to order, it is hot and delicious every time I go.

I tend to have lunch there more than breakfast and, occasionally, I try something new but usually I order the French Dip. One of the chefs, Lori, knows my name is Heather. She knows I always order the French Dip. She also knows that Paul orders his French Dip without cheese.

They pay attention. 

This morning I had a business meeting and we decided earlier in the week that we would meet over breakfast. I was so excited that I could share "my place" with someone new. 

I don't think I've been there since the day the girls went back to school so I was due. We walked to the counter to place our order and Lori came out from the kitchen.

"It's a little early for French Dip Heather" ... 

I just love that ... like walking into "Cheers" and being met with a chorus of "NORM"

#6 - I am thankful for people and businesses that recognize customer service and loyalty. 

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