
Those People are SAINTS ....

#12 - I am thankful for people who are called to teach

In late October, I started volunteering at the girl's school. That has evolved into some program management and technology integration consulting .. at their school and another in the district.

Before I started this gig, I already had a huge level of respect for teachers.  I mean, seriously, take Kindergarten for example, 22 5 year old kids.  TWENTY TWO 5 year olds ... I have one and I am not interested in adding any more 5 year old children to my village.

With the introduction of Common Core .. entire curriculum themes have been shifted. The school where the girls attend has become a Magnet School and with that comes more "required" instructional time. 

Now that I am in the school almost every day I am learning that there is not one free minute in a school day ..... every minute is assigned to some facet of instructional time. 

Some of these kids come to school hungry, some come with no coat, some come routinely late, and some have behavioral issues. Some kids lack the ability to speak and understand English. Some get very little nurturing at home. Some are coming to school for more than education and you know what .. they are getting it.

So proud of the faculty and staff that gets there early and stays late. So thankful or the teacher that sends the extra bag lunch from the field trip home with a kid she knows needs a little extra. For the staff that finds a coat or a sweatshirt for the kid that showed up without one. For the love and support that so many of these kids crave. 

I am so grateful for the people who teach my kids. 

#12 - I am thankful for people who are called to teach

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