
Girls Night

#14 - I am thankful for Girl's Night Out

Every now and then a few of us girls get together on a Friday night. Tonight was one of those nights.  

It isn't really that much of a big deal -- a nice restaurant, a glass or 2 of wine, and dessert ... we are not out particularly late and no one is hung over the next day. 

For me, it is a HUGE treat. I don't take Brooke and Kris.  Therefore, I am only responsible for managing myself. No one to take to the bathroom, no bread to butter for anyone but me, no cutting others main course while mine gets cool, etc. 

We get to talk, catch up on what is going on in every one's world and laugh. And LAUGH.

We laugh so much that my face hurts when I get home. 

These girls .. they are my people. I am so thankful for them and whenever we get a Girl's Night Out.

#14 - I am thankful for Girl's Night Out

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