
Wanna have dinner at The Elks Club?

#18 - I am thankful for people with generous hearts

Last night I had dinner at the Groton Elks Club .. WOO HOO. I bet you don't hear that every day. I was there with my parents, brother and sister in law to support my cousin Betsy and her son, Jordan. 

Betsy is 3 years older than me and we spent a ton of time together growing up. When she was studying to be a hairdresser she practiced on me ... there was only really one time when it was not a good haircut, but I digress. 

Betsy is a single mom of one son, Jordan.  He'll be 22 in a week and sometime between now and early December will undergo surgery, again, to remove cancer. 

We arrived last night shortly after the event started and were met with a fairly large crowd.  We passed through a room full of raffle prizes, deposited our tickets, and found seats. The room kept filling, we grabbed dinner and I ran into so many people that I hadn't seen in a long time. It was nice to catch up. A band played while we ate.

Jordan works at Stop & Shop and some employees there were the mastermind for the event last night. They did a phenomenal job. Betsy took the microphone for a few minutes and read off her list of thanks, I could tell that she was really overwhelmed by the sheer volume of people AND LOVE in that room. It is one think thing to "know" that people are on your side, but when you physically SEE a building full of people and their sole purpose is to lift you up .. that makes you feel pretty damn special. 

People laughed and cried ... we sang Happy Birthday to Jordan a few days early. The crowd started to thin and I headed home to Paul and the girls. My heart was full. It is so easy to forget about all the good, kind, loving, thoughtful, GENEROUS people out there. It was not hard to remember that last night. 

I am thankful, so very, very thankful.

#18 - I am thankful for people with generous hearts

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