
Something about a man in uniform

#11 - I am thankful for all those that serve or have served our country

My dad has told me more than one time that he signed up for the US Coast Guard and a few days later was drafted .... to serve in the Army. 

He served during the Vietnam War, thankfully, in Thailand. He was a communications specialist and that was where that team was stationed. I've always loved this picture of my dad ... he seems strong, confident, and SO young!

About a month ago, my dad was reunited with a man that he served with over 45 years ago. Thanks to the internet, Jack was able to locate his buddy Sgt. Doc Holliday. My parents and Jack and his wife met in Branson, MO and got to catch up. 

How cool is that? 

Something tells me that my Mom and Jack's wife probably didn't do so much talking those few days they were together. I suspect after all these years there were lots of real "war stories" recalled.

Thank you for your service Dad, Jack, and all those who have sacrificed so much for this great country. 

Happy Veteran's Day

#11 - I am thankful for all those that serve or have served our country

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