
Oh Brother

#13 - I'm thankful for my "little" brother

Today is his birthday and it really does seem like just yesterday when he was born.

Today, he is all grown up and carries a gun.  He's a police officer so it is OK that he has the gun and all. 

Even though I am older ... a lot older than him ... he has always been my protector.

When he was 3, he ran very excitedly into my bedroom early one Saturday morning saying "I got it, I got it!" I was asleep and when I opened my eyes, there was the mouse trap (complete with said mouse) from the trunk of my car.

When I was getting divorced, he would go with me to my old house to get my mail or be my bodyguard if there were other meetings or hand-offs required.

When I moved, he was always there to muscle boxes.

When we built Romanskiville - Rev 2, he was there .. digging a trench, laying conduit, boring holes through foundation walls.

He is the cool uncle to my girls that takes them out to dinner, lets them stay up too late and eat ice cream when they didn't eat their dinner. 

He hangs them upside down and pushes them on the swing. He talks to Brooke about running and plants the seed about running cross country or track. 

When he is at our house he always takes Bradley out back and throws the ball with him. 

I'm thankful that he and my sister in law live close and we're connected.

 #13 - I'm thankful for my "little" brother

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