
Another Year in the Books

Today is Paul's birthday .. closer to 50 than 40 ... he'll be thrilled that I shared that with all of you.

Despite having to work and it being bitterly cold .. he seemed to have a pretty good day.

The girls were so proud of the cards and gifts they made at Jeanne's house ...

A remote holder (ironically we were frantically searching for a remote this morning) and a dish for his nightstand for  "pocket stuff" .. Chapstick, change, cash, etc. 

There was a hot dinner when he got home and more presents. A CD he'd been wanting, some other little odds and ends. 

After tucking in the girls, he headed out to the lanes to roll a few strings with a friend.  I'm sure there will be a cocktail or 2 involved too. 

Might sound boring but I assure you ... he is thrilled with this day

Happy Birthday Babe! Here's to a million more!

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