
I Don't Dance ...

There is this country song "I Don't Dance"

The chorus goes like this ....

"No, I don't dance, But here I am
Spinning you around and around in circles
It ain't my style, but I don't care
I'd do anything with you, anywhere
Yes, you got me in the palm of your hand, girl
Cause I don't dance"

That is my husband ... happy to sit at a table, or lean on the bar and listen and watch.  

When we met he told me he had no intention of getting married again....

He never considered having children.....never mind cutting the cord when they were born

I'm pretty certain he didn't see himself on my arm at my sister's wedding after only a month of dating ....

He never pictured himself walking laps around a HS track at 2 am, in the pouring rain for the Relay For Life. 

I'm pretty sure he didn't see himself in a hotel pool in the middle of the winter teaching his girls to swim

He never dreamed of dressing his daughters in tights and leotards and buckling up their tap shoes

I'm betting he never imagined how he would beam at their dance recital and sit on the edge of his seat for the whole THREE hours

I wonder if he still shakes his head in amazement of the house we designed and built, together, two years ago

I doubt he ever imagined that 3 women could ever fill his heart the way we have ... and that we would be able to get him to do "anything, anywhere"  or that he would "spin us around and around"

We sure are glad that he has decided that he'll dance and that we hold him in the palms of our hands

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