
Another Lesson Learned

So I have a job again, hopefully you didn't miss my recent post making the big announcement. I love it ... I love getting up early, getting dressed in work clothes, and driving to the office. I love that every day is different and there is still so much to learn. 

I fully recognized that when I got laid off it was a blow to my ego. It was stressful and I lost sleep. I have been working since I was 15 years old. I didn't remember how to "not work". I was very aware that it was going to be difficult to pay for things if the not working thing carried on too long. 

I did not recognize .. until these last few weeks ... the full impact of that stress. 

I yelled louder and more often. 

I was impatient, mostly with the people who were the most patient with me.

My fuse was short and easily ignited.

At times, I was ruled by apathy.

I seemed to lose the ability to manage time.

Some days I failed to find joy .. in anything.

I'm sort of embarrassed to admit all the ways this affected me. I mean it was a job for Pete's sake but stress, it can be debilitating. 

The last week we've started building our new normal ... that includes everyone having to pitch in a bit more, especially in the morning, so we all get out the door when we need to. It has gone off without much of a hitch ... 

As the stress level started to drop, I noticed other changes too.

The voices are getting softer. There is less yelling. There is more patience. There is motivation. Time is being effectively managed. 

There is JOY. 

I learned so much from this experience [so much that I NEVER need to experience it again]. 

Everything happens for a reason and I think I will continue to find these "Lessons Learned" for a long time to come.

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