
Every Thing Happens for a Reason....

Nine months ago, I lost my job. You all know that and so many of you have offered support, laughs, diversions, or wine.  I appreciated it all .. especially the wine!

The one thing that I heard more than once was "everything happens for a reason"

I do wholeheartedly believe that but let me tell you .. there are days when you do NOT. Some days it is easier to "believe" more than others. There are days when your faith wanes. You worry more than you ever have. You get through those days with laughter, sarcasm, tears and, yes, sometimes with wine. 

I say all this because I got a JOB ... a job that I interviewed for in the Fall and didn't get. 

Yesterday was supposed to be my first day, false start thanks to another foot of snow. So off I went this morning ...

Paperwork to HR ... check
Staff ID Card .... check
Parking pass ... check
Laptop set up .. check
Bathroom and Cafe located ... check

I realized sometime in the last 24 hours that a great amount of weight had been lifted from shoulders ... one that I am not sure I could fully appreciate until it was gone. 

I realized something else too, had I been offered the job in September .. I would have missed so many other opportunities.  

In October, I was sick most of the month and not having a job allowed me to really rest and recover. I started consulting at the girls' school and helped to develop and run an enrichment program. I started co-teaching Technology Integration at another Magnet School. I have gained so much insight into what goes on in the classroom. I have tied a million shoelaces, zipped a bunch of coats, walked at least a dozen kindergartners to their classrooms when they get to school late. I've covered lunch duty, bus duty, and hallway duty. I've had too many hugs, high fives, and "Hi Mrs. Romanski"'s to count. 

If I had been offered the job in September, I would have missed all THAT. 

Everything really does happen for a reason ......

1 comment:

Katherine Goodwin said...

Congratulations, Heather!