
Happy Trails

Bright and early Saturday morning, my parents climbed into their RV and headed out for their next adventure. They'll return to Connecticut sometime in mid-September, yes, you read that correctly SEPTEMBER! They are taking the next 4 weeks to make their way across the US, they need to be in Washington State by June 20. 

There they will join a caravan of RVs and on June 22 they all head out on a 62 Day - Alaska Your Way tour. Sometimes they will be in camping resorts with lots of amenities and I think at least one night they stay in a park without ANY hookups. Don't worry about them though ... this is their home for this adventure. It has a sleep number bed, high end convection oven, a washer, dryer and 3 flat screen TVs. It has a generator and everything else you might need. They'll really be just fine.
Home Sweet Home
My parents have been living the dream since their retirements in 2010. They spend the winter in Florida and most of the summer camped along the Cape Cod Canal until this year when they will make this cross-country, international journey. 

Computers, free WiFi and Facetime make the separation a little bit easier to manage. I think the hardest part for me will be these 4 weeks it takes to get to WA -- there is no real agenda, they have an approximate route, but nothing set in stone. They only had reservations the first 2 nights. They wanted to be able to chart the course as they drove .. um that is not really the way my dad operates so this could be interesting. 

I miss them so much when they are away but I am so grateful that they are getting this time together. I honestly didn't realize until it happened how much their retirement would change my life. It isn't better, it isn't worse .. it is just different. 

As long as I can remember, my dad has talked about traveling the US in a motorhome and going to state parks and national monuments when he retired. How many people get to dream that big and then live out those dreams. I am fairly certain that it doesn't happen to too many. For them it didn't happen accidentally, it was the result of a lot of hard work, planning and sacrifice along the way.... I am so happy that the people who worked so hard to provide what I needed, when I needed it are out on the open road. 

Life is too short to not lean over and grab that brass ring. 

You can follow the journey on their Facebook Page, Doing Alaska Our Way


Let's Get Physical

In January, I started going to a cardio & strength training class taught by a colleague during our lunch time. Not gonna lie, when it started on January 4th I was worried --- about being able to get through the hour class but, maybe even more so, the walk back to my office from the Athletic Center. All. Up. Hill.

When class started there were a lot of us. The first few weeks I had to modify almost every exercise ... planks on knees, push-ups on knees, and sometimes I just marched in place. 

As the weeks wore on, the group started to shrink. A core few attended almost every session. I started to be able to do more of the exercises and my weights got heavier. When I had to miss a session I was legitimately irritated. 

Thursday is our last class until the Fall Semester. I am sad. I will miss the adrenaline rush, I will miss sweating, I will miss the frustration of not being able to do a whole set of a new, harder exercise. I will miss the satisfaction of being able to do something I could not do a week before. 

Today, another colleague finished his workout early and he came outside to where we were having our class. I caught him videotaping us .. I was NOT happy and might have flipped him off (with BOTH hands) but we kept on. Earlier tonight he shared those videos with us and said something about hoping that we appreciated what we had accomplished .. that he knew what we did with our trainer twice a week was not a walk in the park .. he implied that we should be proud. I looked at all 6 little snippets of video that he shared with us ... I was prepared to give him a piece of my mind, but ya know what ... they weren't so bad. 

I have a plan to keep this new found strength going and growing .... and I WILL beat her, I WILL train harder, I've lost before .. but not this time.



The Accidental Advocate

Earlier tonight I attended part of a Board of Education meeting in our city and I spoke during the public comment portion. I'm sure that several people who have spent any amount of time around me the last year are not surprised by this at all. In my introduction I even described myself as "a passionate supporter and advocate for the Norwich Public Schools." 

Norwich is facing another budget crisis. The budget put forth by the Board of Ed will not be fully funded, 70 some odd teachers received pink slips ... it is more of the same. I can't remember a time when they got what they asked for...but we keep asking for too much, year after year.

If we keep doing the same thing ... we will continue to get the same result. 

The public comment portion was opened and a woman, an English language learner, made her way to the microphone. I think she said that 4 months ago she needed a translator wherever she went but now, with the help of her teachers, she was more independent. I was near the back of the room, people were still arriving, and she was soft spoken so it was hard for me to hear. When she finished - people clapped. Then it was my turn, I made my way to the table. I spent a LOT of time preparing what I wanted to say tonight - I was thoughtful and respectful. I asked them to be creative, brainstorm, OK .. at one point I might have "dared" them to do something .. maybe that was a little bold. 

I read from my notes slowly and deliberately so that it might sink in. I was feeling pretty good and then the Chairman said "Excuse me, I'm going to have to ask you to wrap it up"

Oh yikes .. I got the hook. I picked the most important highlights from my last couple of paragraphs and thanked them for their time.  I stood up and no one clapped .... bummer .. oh well what did Eleanor Roosevelt say?  "Well behaved women rarely make history" ... 

When I returned to my seat - someone turned around and told me that my words were well written and that I was "a smart woman". Another person sitting next to me, leaned over to tell me "that was very well thought out".  When I got home, someone sent me a note and said they wished they had some of my courage and my voice" ... who needs stinkin' applause .. I definitely did not do it for the applause. 

I'm not sure how this happened .. why I tortured myself going to budget forums and pouring over presentations and budget files and then agonizing over what I'd say in my short time with a captive audience. 

Earlier today I told a colleague if you told me 2 years ago that I would be speaking at public hearings and Board of Education meetings I would have laughed (rather hysterically) in your face. 

In all honestly, I might - sort of - know how this happened ... I totally got this from my dad.. the preparing my words, practicing, it is HIM. He would have been proud of me tonight .. my mom would have too. They are my courage.

In between jobs, I worked in two of the Norwich Public Schools for a few months --- it was EYE OPENING ... HOLY CRAP... it is UNBELIEVABLE what happens in a day. I met and worked with people who have become friends ... still today. I have turned into this advocate for education very accidentally. I do it for my girls ... but I do it for these amazingly skilled and talented teachers too. 

Want to read the uncut version of my letter?  Take a peek!

Public Comment ...

Earlier tonight, I read this at a Norwich Board of Education Meeting. I got all the way to the last paragrah when they told me I had to "wrap it up" .... here is the complete version!

Heather Romanski, Scotland Road, parent of 2 daughters at the Nationally Recognized Moriarty Environmental Sciences Magnet School and passionate supporter and advocate for Norwich Public Schools.

I come before you today and ask you to give thoughtful consideration to the ways in which you will address the shortfall in funding you will face this coming year. I implore you to take actions that minimize the impact to staffing and programs that directly impact the children of Norwich Public Schools. I dare you to brainstorm a way to end the cycle of presenting a budget, have it underfunded and face this challenge again and again.

To date, I believe, 72 pink slips have been delivered to non-tenured teachers. I shudder at the thought of what that does to our ability to quote your 30 second marketing video “focus on our students”.

I’m asking you to think outside of the box - to not go the historical route and slash the number of teaching staff. I’m asking you to take a hard look at the way our non-teaching staff work. Do we need a separate building for central office?  We’re a Google Apps for Education district - how about using the technology we’ve invested in to help us reduce our costs? Use tools like Google Hangouts with video calls, allow people to telecommute.  Stop funding cell phones, or move to a more cost effective stipend program that isn’t subject to carrier contracts and requires less administration. This is becoming an industry standard. I’m suggesting a cost review like no other - reviewing health insurance costs, property insurance costs, consider changing the number of days that administrators work, evaluate the workloads of the administrative assistants - decide if we can afford both a full time and part time admin that exist today in more than one of our schools. In a previous job I was responsible for 22 million dollars in operating budgets, I recognize that what I am proposing is not a simple task. For as long as I can remember the Board of Ed has struggled to present a budget that was fully funded, we need a new approach.

How do we continue as a district that markets itself as working under a framework of a “Forward Thinking Future” when we continue to do business in the very same way, year after year.  Our district often looks to outside consultants when it comes to advice on our infrastructure and other needs,  perhaps we need to seek outside financial services - that proverbial “fresh set of eyes”.  Maybe it’s time to spend money on professional financial services in an effort to find more cost savings.

At the end of the year, our Curriculum Director is retiring, the district has a history of bringing back retired staff as consultants. Will Mr. Stefon be returning in this capacity? If so, I ask how you, our board, can justify paying administrative consulting fees while laying off teachers?      Perhaps the Board considers eliminating that position all together and redistributes the responsibilities across other qualified staff. Maybe those consulting dollars are better spent on the budget consulting I referred to earlier.

Less than a week ago Moriarty received a National Award for Excellence, this was the result of an intensely collaborative and driven staff to make that program and that school the best it can be. I suspect while they are pleased with the work they have done, they’ll tell you they still have a ways to go. The bar has been set - as a board and an administrative team - you should be proud, you allowed them to take that risk, but you should also be worried.  One of your responsibilities, is to ensure that the high standard can continue.  I can assure you that cutting staff and programs that impact our students on a daily basis will not win you any more awards. I am also confident, that if we keep doing business the very same way, we will continue to be plagued by the very same problems. My husband and I are constantly challenging our girls to learn from their mistakes, to alter their behaviors to get a better result. They are challenged in the same way by their teachers. Isn’t that one of our greatest goals in education? I respectfully ask you to lead by example and alter your behavior to get a better result.

Thank you.


Seven .. Lucky Number Seven

Today our "baby" turned 7 ... SEVEN. Seriously HOW is that even possible? Wasn't I just waddling around and throwing up every 10 minutes?  Apparently not, Paul assures me that it actually HAS been 7 years. 

From the get go I should have known this one was trouble. Pregnancy problems, an 11 day early arrival, you know - little things like that. 

There was hand, foot and mouth disease .. complete with a 104+ degree fever and ER visits. 

There was eye surgery at 3 ... allergic reactions to medications .. I mean I'm not exaggerating - it is ALWAYS something with this kid.

She hates surprises and to be the center of attention. She gets easily overwhelmed by big crowds.

She loves to be busy and play outside. She HATES to clean up and has no concept of what "put that away" means. 

She loves horses, school, art, singing and gymnastics!

She loves babies.

 She HATES shoes.

She is the opposite of her big sister. She is fearless and climbs first and then wonders how she'll get down ... and then she just JUMPS. 

There are days when she really, really tries my patience. There are days .. oh there are days. 

Thing is - there is something about her - she draws you in. You can be having the worst day and she'll say something in the way that she says things that makes it all melt away. Dimples? Her smile? I'm not sure .. I do know that when she arrived she was that final piece to finish the puzzle of our family.