
Let's Get Physical

In January, I started going to a cardio & strength training class taught by a colleague during our lunch time. Not gonna lie, when it started on January 4th I was worried --- about being able to get through the hour class but, maybe even more so, the walk back to my office from the Athletic Center. All. Up. Hill.

When class started there were a lot of us. The first few weeks I had to modify almost every exercise ... planks on knees, push-ups on knees, and sometimes I just marched in place. 

As the weeks wore on, the group started to shrink. A core few attended almost every session. I started to be able to do more of the exercises and my weights got heavier. When I had to miss a session I was legitimately irritated. 

Thursday is our last class until the Fall Semester. I am sad. I will miss the adrenaline rush, I will miss sweating, I will miss the frustration of not being able to do a whole set of a new, harder exercise. I will miss the satisfaction of being able to do something I could not do a week before. 

Today, another colleague finished his workout early and he came outside to where we were having our class. I caught him videotaping us .. I was NOT happy and might have flipped him off (with BOTH hands) but we kept on. Earlier tonight he shared those videos with us and said something about hoping that we appreciated what we had accomplished .. that he knew what we did with our trainer twice a week was not a walk in the park .. he implied that we should be proud. I looked at all 6 little snippets of video that he shared with us ... I was prepared to give him a piece of my mind, but ya know what ... they weren't so bad. 

I have a plan to keep this new found strength going and growing .... and I WILL beat her, I WILL train harder, I've lost before .. but not this time.


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