
It Only Takes A Spark ....

Tonight was the last Board of Education meeting in Norwich before they adjourn for the summer. Would you be surprised to learn that I signed up for "Public Comment?" I take this all very seriously, for example, I prepare my words a few days ahead of time, I edit them, I have others read them and I practice reading my words out loud.  After last month's "wrap it up" incident .. I even researched the time guidelines and timed my practice rounds. I was well under the published 5 minute limit and carried my phone to the table with me, ya know, so I could keep my pace in check. 

I read my remarks, looked up, and from time to time would glance at my phone ... on target ... so I pushed on. I turned to my last page with just a few sentences ... I got the dreaded "wrap it up.' Clearly my interpretation of 5 minutes and the timekeeper's vary, I've emailed the ENTIRE Board and attached their policy document where 5 minutes is clearly communicated.  We'll see, I'm sure nothing will change, but I feel better for saying something and sometimes you have to be happy with that. 

I shared my sadness that the Magnet Theme Coach would not be returning in the Fall because our our district finances. That, combined with plans to change the physical structures of our schools, felt like a lack of support for the Magnet Schools in our district. I reminded them that many Norwich kids are leaving for out of district Magnet schools -- some 233ish and how that is a financial burden to our education budget. 

Earlier this year, our School, Moriarty Environmental Sciences Magnet School won a national award. The was the cumulative efforts of students, staff and good leadership. I have no doubt that Moriarty will have continued success, the remaining staff will rise to the occasion and things will go on, but I can assure you it will be different. 

I only worked with Erin for a short time but we became fast friends. She is smart, energetic, and is an engaging and enthusiastic educator. She was patient with me -- who might have showed up with a tiny bit of arrogance -- how hard can this be? OH. MY. GOODNESS. Let me tell you folks ... being in that school all day - is hard, designing lesson plans and activities that adhere to this standard or that - HARD .... getting people to give you stuff for FREE .. HARD. Getting the Tiny Humans to sit, listen and learn .. HARDER. 

Doing what is right .. HARDEST. Erin made me think about education in a different way. She challenged me to be a forward thinker when it came to the way my girls are taught. Why this way and not that? Why should we continue to do it like this just because we always have done it this way. Are you sure there isn't a better way? 

She quietly encouraged me to speak out and be heard. She has had a hand in the creation of this "accidental advocate" and has helped me find a voice - not only for my kids, but for our district as a whole. 

I emailed her earlier tonight - mainly because I still cannot believe she is GONE from our district - but also to let her know that she had been the spark that has started a fire. I also shared what I read, because "someone" texted her and told her that I spoke at the BOE meeting about her. 

I said what I said at that meeting because I wanted to make sure the Board knew that we had lost an asset but in all honesty, I know it won't save her job.

"The good you do today, will often be forgotten.  Do good anyway.

Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.  Give your best anyway." Mother Teresa

So Erin, I say to you .. you did good and I will not let it be forgotten. You gave us your best and it was enough. 

You encouraged me to take a stand for one of the most important things in the world - the education of my kids. You were the spark that started this fire ... and I promise you ... I will continue to let it burn!

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