
You are So Beautiful

A girl's self esteem peaks at AGE 9

62% of girls are insecure

2% of women describe themselves as beautiful

91% of women hate their bodies

As a woman and a mother of two beautiful daughters ... these statistics speak to me.

Earlier tonight a friend shared this trailer for a film called Embrace .. WOW! 

I was so moved as I watched it. I hope you'll click on the link above and watch for the 2 minutes it plays. 

I used to be skinny. It is unfortunate that I can't find a picture of me in the little black dress I wore to my 30th birthday party .. smokin' hot. Then I had a baby, a second baby and then I turned 40. You're pulled in a million directions and your metabolism retires. 

A few years ago, I decided I was going to start running again. I wanted to lose weight, I wanted to be that skinny girl in the black dress that turned heads when she walked to the bar to get a drink and I did. Well, I didn't get THAT skinny but I dropped close to 30 pounds. It lasted for a while and then it was back. 

In January, I got serious again about exercise. The motivation was different this time - my knees hurt, my feet hurt, I was tired of low energy. It wasn't so much about the weight, more about being fit and strong. It was more about protecting what I had from all the "stuff" that I'm predisposed to like joint problems and osteoporosis. 

This summer I've lost a bit of my focus - the humidity was obnoxious, we stay up too late making it hard to get up early, and we lost someone so dear to our family and, frankly, I was just sad. 

Then a 2 minute and 12 second movie trailer shows up on my Facebook feed. It reminded me that beauty is so much more than the exterior, than a number on the scale, than a size on the tag of the that not-so little black dress. 

I'm beautiful [and it is really hard to type that, even now] but I AM. I am kind. I am thoughtful. I am generous. I am funny. I am a nurturer. I am a thinker. I am a dreamer. I am a Do'er. I am an advocate. I am passionate. I am a provider. I am a good friend. I am a runner. I am a fighter. I am strong. I AM beautiful. 

"This body of mine - it's not an ornament, it's a vehicle" Taryn Brumfitt

Why does this move me?  Because A girl's self esteem peaks at AGE 9 ... on September 3rd, my daughter, turns 10

So to my daughter I offer Taryn's words:

You might not be the skinniest or the fastest but this body of yours - it's not an ornament, it's a vehicle. It will take you places and "Darling Girl, don't waste a single day being at war with your body, just embrace it"


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