
Fit as a Fiddle

#22 - I am thankful for good health

Last week, the 6 year old granddaughter of a colleague died after repeated battles with cancer. Her celebration of life will be on Wednesday. 

Tuesday, I have the funeral Mass for the mom of an amazing friend to Paul and then me. 

An acquaintance is in the hospital, preparing for the end of her life. I think she's in her mid-30's.

It is 15 days before Christmas.

In early November, Kristen was sick - REALLY sick. Home from school for a week and a day, no energy, no appetite and it went on. She moved from her bed to the couch and back to her bed. 

One day she ate 5 saltines - ALL DAY. The next day, half of a Popsicle. A trip to the doctor and then another ... after 9 days .. we started an antibiotic and 3 days later there was some improvement. 

We have friends and family who are not as lucky as we continue to be. We have people in our village who have children with cancer, long term heart conditions, and other serious health issues. 

I think when you have good health you too easily forget the gift that it is and, perhaps, you become a bit complacent. 

I'm going to stop doing that.....

#22 - I am thankful for good health

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