
One - Two - Three, Thirty Days of Thanks

For years I have been spending my November focusing on gratitude. I try to post daily(emphasis on try) and I'm already behind. Here's what I was most grateful for on day 1, 2, and 3

#1 - I am thankful for takeout 

Tonight Kristen had cross country practice until 6pm and then I wanted to go to North Stonington and spend a little time with parents since they are heading south. I didn't have time to cook and pack something up, Kristen's practice had us on the road a little later than I wanted to be. McDonald's and Irene's to the rescue. We've dramatically cut back on the eating out in the last 6 months -- mostly because it adds up .. FAST. Sometimes it is a good solution to a hectic schedule. 

#1 - I am thankful for takeout 

#2 - I am thankful for Alexa

Last Christmas, I bought Paul an Amazon Echo. Let me just say that when he opened it, there was NOT a ton of enthusiasm. The girls and I set it up over Christmas break and we started teaching him how to use it. I personally find the ability to "add things to the shopping list" life changing. No more forgotten grocery lists on the counter, or forgetting to add butter to the list when you put the last stick in the butter dish. On more than one occasion, I caught him firing off musical selection requests to Alexa like she was a DJ. It is kind of amazing how good the sound is out of that thing ... Paul enjoys the music so much when he is doing the dishes that we bought him a year of Amazon music for Father's Day -- there is no song that she cannot play for us. 

There was that one time that I found some questionable items on the shopping list ... when he was questioned I got "I was trying to see if she would actually add anything I said to the shopping list" ... I think Paul and Alexa are friends now!

#2 - I am thankful for Alexa

#3 - I am thankful for my Honda Accord

A few years ago we were able to pick up a slightly used Honda Accord. We paid cash - we HATE having car payments. My mom, bless her heart, drove it home all the way from North Carolina for us! In 2015, I started working outside of the house and had to commute daily -- not far -- but longer than I had been commuting. I'll admit, I was a little sad to hand off my Pathfinder to Paul and take the more fuel efficient car since I had the longer drive. I fell in love with it. It has a great sound system, the interior is spotless, it is the prettiest metallic blue, it has great pickup and it is FAST .. not that I drive fast or anything. This week - I went back and forth to work, pick up and drop off at cross country practice, to dance and back - twice - to North Stonington and back and then to Griswold to meet friends for dinner .. all on 1 tank of gas ... Blazin' Blue is the BEST ... I don't miss that Pathfinder at all anymore. 

#3 - I am thankful for my Honda Accord

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