
Playing a Little Catchup


Anyone else feeling like you can't believe that it is the middle of November and Thanksgiving is a week away? Good, I was afraid I was all alone!!! While I have been diligently journaling every morning 5 things from the previous 24 hours that I am thankful for, I have not been diligently journaling them here!

Today is a catch-up day for days 2 - 15 of those 30 days of thanks!

#2 - I am thankful for my Hoka Sneakers

#3 - I am thankful for steaming hot coffee after a cold morning walk

#4 - I am thankful for my Airpods

#5 - I am thankful for the TV shows we watch together as a family

#6 - I am thankful for 1 on 1 time with the girls

#7 - I am thankful for Sunday Night Bowling 

#8 - I am thankful for the COLDEST beer around at the Bowling Alley Bar

#9 - I am thankful for morning walks with my best friend

#10 - I am thankful for all the sweet treats that a friend shares with us on the regular

#11 - I am thankful for all those who serve in our Military

#12 - I am thankful for the app on my phone that opens my garage door

#13 - I am thankful for Kindle Books

#14 - I am thankful for touchpad door lock from the garage to the house - GAME CHANGER!

#15 - I am thankful for Facetime calls with my toddler nephew - "HI AUNTIEEEEEE"


Mrs. November


Every November I share Thirty Days of Thanks. Sometimes they are big things, sometimes they are as simple. A hot cup of coffee, a walk with a friend, or clean sheets. For years, I've started my day with a simple gratitude practice. 

Each morning, I open my journal and write down 5 things from the last 24 hours that I am grateful for. In the beginning, you'll write about the "big things" - my health, my family, my job, etc. When you work through those, you'll spend your day on a gratitude scavenger hunt. 

It was hard for me to believe that I had not written here since March. There has been a lot going on since then ... but I will catch you all up on that over the next 30 days. 

Let's get this gratitude waterfall flowing!! 

#1 - I am thankful for my online platform

I am so grateful that I have a place to write and share my writing. Part of the reason I have been so absent here is because I have been focusing on a handful of different projects. Writing is one of the things and, I promise, I have some really exciting news to share .... soon!

For now, suffice it to say, there is a lot more writing and other expansion coming to this online platform. 

#1 - I am thankful for my online platform


Building a Habit is HARD


I'm not sure who to attribute that quote to, but it really helps me keep things in perspective. 

I said I was going to write for 100 days straight. If I'm being honest, I knew when I said that -- I was going to miss some days. I didn't anticipate it going off the rails so quickly, but here I am on day #9 - needing to also write #7 and #8. 

The old me would have thought - "well I couldn't even make it through 2 weeks, might as well give up" 

The me of today -- asked "what will it take to get you back on track" and I thought for a few minutes and devised a plan. Write a post before your work day starts and another at lunch. Depending on how the dinner rush at home goes and what others need from me -- maybe a 3rd tonight. I contemplate and think "Ehhh - that might be a little ambitious." You see, waking up at 4am every day -- makes me kinda lose steam around 8pm. I'm not necessarily ready for bed then - but I'm not always feeling creative or motivated to put words on paper. So my "plan b" is that maybe I'll also double up tomorrow. 

I'm also working both weekend days at my parttime job so maybe the double up plan will allow me to get ahead and stay on track. 

That's the thing about building habits - it is HARD. Throwing in the towel, that's easy - but it doesn't move your forward.

If your intention is to push yourself, if your intention is to grow -- you have to change that ONE flat tire and get back on the road.

I bet you can even make up some time.

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Signs of Spring


I don't know about you, but I am ready for SPRING!!!

Maybe it's because I work on a college campus and the students are off on 2 weeks Spring Break, but I am done with winter. 

There really was nothing to complain about given that I do live in New England and our winter was very mild, but once we "spring forward", I'm all about the Spring. 

Last Sunday, during the children's message at church, our pastor asked the kids (and the congregation) to list signs of Spring. Since she asked that, I noticed that I have been consciously looking for them.

I'm noticing..........

- my crocus and daffodils poking through the ground

- the grass looking a little greener

- the birds chirping away when I walk the dog before I leave for work

- the peep frogs (one of my favorites)

- daylight after work

- more people walking in the afternoons

What are you noticing?

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Laughing so Hard


I am in a yearlong coaching and mentoring program with some really fantastic women. We're spread out all over the US, but we keep in touch using Zoom meetings and this walkie talkie app called Voxer. Voxer is cool because you can type like a text, you can create groups, broadcast groups, or you can press the button and send an actual voice message. I know you can do this in texts too, but there's something about this app that makes it different to me.

Most mornings, as I'm walking the dog, I send a little voice message - we've nicknamed this "Heather's Hoot", corny I know, but that's where we landed.

This morning I was a little early to meet my Saturday walking buddy. I popped open Voxer and there were some messages to catch up on. There were a couple of links - I watched the first video that was shared, and it was about this inappropriate name of a Cabbage Patch doll from 1987. I mean that post in itself caused side splitting laughter. Then there was one about friendship that made you say "awwww" out loud. 

Then there was a voice recording from one of my friends where she is trying to talk about the inappropriately named doll and she is laughing SO HARD in the recording that when you are listening to it - I mean, you can't not start laughing uncontrollably as she is laughing. You can't even imagine how happy that recording of her cracking up made me. 

I need to download that clip so I can save it on my phone and play it whenever I need a little pick me up. 

It. is. That. GOOD. 

Laughter really is the best medicine. 

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Please Let Me Know


For years when people I cared about were going through a hard time, I often said "whatever you need, just let me know." For the longest time, I never noticed that one ever really asked for anything. I interpreted it as "they must be all set" when more likely, they didn't know what to ask.

I'm lucky to have lived a pretty charmed life. My parents are still married to this day, no catastrophic family illnesses, or things that tend to knock the wind out of your sails for a long time.

There was my divorce when I was 29, but I was lucky to have friends who didn't ask what I needed, they seemed to instinctively know. It wasn't something that I consciously noticed until years later.

Sometime in the last 10 years, I read an article that talked about how good our intentions are when we say "Let me know if you need anything" but how really unhelpful that can be. The reason being sometimes whatever we're going through or trying to manage is so big, so hard, SO much, that we don't have any idea what to even ask for. The article gave really practical suggestions on how to adapt your approach. As I read, I started to think about times when people had called and offered very specific things and how it actually was so much easier to accept or amend their offer. 

There was the time when I had a new baby, and my cousin came to sit with her so I could walk the dog for an hour on a gorgeous September afternoon. Then there was the 2nd baby and my sister called to ask if she could come over on Mother's Day and we could order pizza for lunch. When she got here, she asked what was on my list that day. 

"I need to go to Walmart." I told her.

"OK, we can go after lunch and get whatever you have on your list" She volunteered.

What a gift. 

When we were building the house, my best friend called during the week and asked if she could take the girls for lunch and to see the Alpacas on Saturday. 

"Maybe you'd be able to paint or pack while they aren't home?" she suggested. 


As I processed that article I was reading, I decided right then and there, I was changing my approach when I offered my assistance. My go to offer is to drop off a meal when a new baby arrives. Especially, if it isn't their first baby. Everyone thinks that first baby is the hardest. In my experience, we had so much help the first time - meals for days. The second baby arrives, and everyone thinks you've got it all figured out. You do, sort of, but now there are even more people that need to eat! I've adopted the "I'd like to drop off dinner next week, I could do Monday or Thursday - what day is best for you?" I can't think of a time when my offer has been declined.

When my friend's daughter was killed in a car accident, we had no idea how to help or provide any kind of support. I kept thinking that in that particular situation, what she needed was her daughter back and that was impossible. She lived in our neighborhood so one morning I sent a text...

"I'm going to Stop and Shop later, if I can pick anything up for you, just shoot me a text. I can text when I am on the way and leave it at your front door."

A little while later, she replied.

"Can you get me a bottle of Dawn? Like the blue Dawn with the duck on the label? I asked my aunt and she got me Palmolive, I know this sounds silly, but it's not the same."

"Doesn't sound silly to me at all. If you think of more stuff during the day, I'm not going until after work. Happy to pick up whatever."

She was grateful to have something familiar - like Dawn - but not have to go to the store. What I never told her was how grateful I was to do something as simple and ordinary as pick up $20 worth of items for her.

I think that's the thing, right? Sometimes we're so tired, frustrated or overwhelmed by whatever - grief, loneliness, anger, pain - that we do need help, but we have no idea how to even verbalize it.

So that's I what do now. I call or text and make a specific offer. I can't think of a time since I've changed my approach when it hasn't been accepted or altered in a way that fits the current need. 

The next time you catch yourself about to say "let me know if you need anything" I challenge you to take a different approach.

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Stuck in the Middle


Teachers are some of my most favorite people in the world. They were part of the reason that I volunteered to serve on my community's Board of Education. 

For years I said "there is a special place in heaven for Kindergarten teachers" ... then our youngest kiddo started middle school. 

She went to 6th grade in the Fall of 2020, y'all remember what school looked like then? 

I've since updated my saying ...

"There is a special place in heaven for Kindergarten AND Middle School teachers." 

Middle School is NO. JOKE.

The meme above applies to the parents of this kiddos too, not just their teachers! 

I thought it was hard when the girls were 2 and 5, or 3 and 6 but this middle school thing... Oh. EM. GEE. 

I know that this is a season and that someday I'll look back and laugh. There is NOT a lot of laughing these days.

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