
Laughing so Hard


I am in a yearlong coaching and mentoring program with some really fantastic women. We're spread out all over the US, but we keep in touch using Zoom meetings and this walkie talkie app called Voxer. Voxer is cool because you can type like a text, you can create groups, broadcast groups, or you can press the button and send an actual voice message. I know you can do this in texts too, but there's something about this app that makes it different to me.

Most mornings, as I'm walking the dog, I send a little voice message - we've nicknamed this "Heather's Hoot", corny I know, but that's where we landed.

This morning I was a little early to meet my Saturday walking buddy. I popped open Voxer and there were some messages to catch up on. There were a couple of links - I watched the first video that was shared, and it was about this inappropriate name of a Cabbage Patch doll from 1987. I mean that post in itself caused side splitting laughter. Then there was one about friendship that made you say "awwww" out loud. 

Then there was a voice recording from one of my friends where she is trying to talk about the inappropriately named doll and she is laughing SO HARD in the recording that when you are listening to it - I mean, you can't not start laughing uncontrollably as she is laughing. You can't even imagine how happy that recording of her cracking up made me. 

I need to download that clip so I can save it on my phone and play it whenever I need a little pick me up. 

It. is. That. GOOD. 

Laughter really is the best medicine. 

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