
Signs of Spring


I don't know about you, but I am ready for SPRING!!!

Maybe it's because I work on a college campus and the students are off on 2 weeks Spring Break, but I am done with winter. 

There really was nothing to complain about given that I do live in New England and our winter was very mild, but once we "spring forward", I'm all about the Spring. 

Last Sunday, during the children's message at church, our pastor asked the kids (and the congregation) to list signs of Spring. Since she asked that, I noticed that I have been consciously looking for them.

I'm noticing..........

- my crocus and daffodils poking through the ground

- the grass looking a little greener

- the birds chirping away when I walk the dog before I leave for work

- the peep frogs (one of my favorites)

- daylight after work

- more people walking in the afternoons

What are you noticing?

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