There really isn't a day that goes by where at some point I am not awed by the gift of our girls. Kristen will smile when she hears a familiar voice or catches a glance of a familiar face, I just melt!

Brooke is so smart and doesn't forget a thing. She constantly amazes us when she recalls something we said, we did, or a family outing. A few weeks ago I was watching a recorded episode of Dinner Impossible from the Food Network - cool show. If you are not familiar with it it's where the chef is given a challenging mission and what seems like impossible time constraints, etc. This particular episode was to feed a bunch of NBA fans and the mission was delivered by "someone" from the NBA management (read that as I can't remember his name) and Wayman Tisdale a retired player. At the end of the episode when the credits started to roll, there was a dedication to Tisdale. At the beginning of the episode he was clearly alive and
seemed well. I was curious as to what had happened to the well spoken and spirited former player. This is when you have to LOVE the Internet. You go to Google and you type in his name and you have a wealth of info. It seems that Mr. Tisdale was diagnosed with cancer in 2007 and after losing part of his leg to the disease in 2008, he finally lost his fight in May 2009. I watched a video clip from the ESPN website and Brooke walked in as it was playing. She wanted to sit on my lap and watch too. You could almost see her mind working, trying to process what she was watching. I simplified and said that the man was sick and it made him fall. He got hurt so he lost part of his leg. "The man was hurt, Mommy?" she asked as though she was getting this straight in her mind. Then I told her that the Dr's couldn't make him better and that he was in Heaven now with her Grampa Joe. "Heaven, with Grampa and Jesus???" she asked. I smiled when I confirmed her conclusion. Then we moved on to the next thing and I figured my teachable moment had passed.
This morning before she left for school I was at my computer trying to start the day. She strolls in and asks "Mommy, can I watch the movie about the man who got hurt?" At first I was at a loss - what the heck was she talking about? Then I realized, she wanted to watch the clip about Wayman again. Maybe my teachable moment made more of an impression than I realized.
They never ceases to amaze me!
To view the Wayman Tisdale clip click here