
As Simple as THAT

You may not know this about my beautiful Kristen and some may even find this hard to believe .. she is a PITA about clothes.  I mean, seriously, if she does not like it .. it will sit in that drawer.  It will sit and sit. If you happen to pack things in her bag when you send her to her grandparent's cottage for a week that she will not wear for you .. guess what .. she will not wear those clothes for them either. 

Yes, it is true. This sweet, quiet little girl has a definite opinion about what she will and will NOT wear. 

There was also a stage when she would not wear jeans.  Jeans, the thing that Paul and I live in, that I begged to be able to wear to church and celebrated "casual" Fridays because it meant jeans. The past few weeks .. jeans have returned to her good side. Thing is, at 15 bucks a pair even on sale at Kohl's, if you don't like wearing them, you are not going to have a big inventory to choose from.  This has not been an issue until Monday morning, when all THREE pair that she has found a home in the dirty laundry.  A small meltdown occurs but I promised to do laundry that night so she will have a pair for Tuesday.  

7:00 am this morning she is in my room announcing she is going to look for those jeans. She chooses a pair, completes the outfit with a pink sparkly shirt and we are off and running.  

Paul returned home from his annual "Boys Weekend" in Atlantic City this afternoon and the girls shrieked with delight when he walked in for daycare pick-up.  We head out for a quick dinner and then home for baths.  Kristen is up first and she asks Paul to wash her hair. Bath time is usually big fun here in Romanskiville because you get their undivided attention, well sort of, and you get a chance to chat. 

Here's a snippet of the conversation 

"Dad, why do you poop so much?" 

"I don't know, Kristen, it's in my genes"

"Stop wearing jeans then"

Oh seriously ... if it was that EASY to remedy those irresistible bowels of his .. he would have lost all those Levi's ten years ago .... Just sayin'

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