
Warm Feet

So almost a month has passed since Santa stopped by in Romanskiville.  Rest assured there were a LOT of happy people here on Christmas morning.  Mama and her iPad Air, Kristen with Talking Sofia and her "Beautiful Unicorned", Brooke with the Saige, American Girl Hot Air Balloon and Daddy with his boot dryer.

So that Hot Air Balloon ... $150 bucks.  Paul tells me "it is the only substantial thing on her list"  I cave, we order, it arrives and Christmas morning, "Voila!"

The thing is HUGE ... it must be at least 3 feet tall.  Anyway, it WAS the only substantial thing on her list ... and she loves it, plays with it daily, and tells everyone about it.

All that being said, she is envious of another person's gift ... and no it isn't Mom's iPad. She wants a boot dryer ...

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