
High Five

Today, at 8:21 am, Kristen is officially 5 years old.  She was "due" May 17th and my last day of work before maternity leave was May 8th.  I was emailing files and making calls to delegate the final things as Paul was driving me to the hospital at 10:30 pm on May 5th ... from that moment she arrived on May 6th she has made her own way. 

She was unusually quiet when she was born .. so quiet that I thought that there was something wrong .. "she's just nosy" said the nurse .. "her eyes are wide open and she's looking all around" At some point they pissed her off and I exhaled.

She seemed so tiny, so fragile, when we took her home .. she weighed more than Brooke did but she seemed tinier.

She had the most AWESOME hair ever.

She has grown into this really amazing little person.  She is free spirited and rarely shows any fear. She believes that she can do anything. She climbs the ladder first and then wonders how she'll get down. 

She is thoughtful and sensitive.  She nurtures and loves wholeheartedly. 

She hates morning and loves to stay up late at night reading just like her dad. She loves chips and guacamole just like her mom. She hates shoes and is physically "tough" .. surgery on both eyes at 3 and it never phased her. She loves to play with other kids, she and her sister are the best of friends. 

In a few months, she is going to Kindergarten ... school ... she is ready but I'm not sure that her parents are. She is growing up TOO fast. 

Happy Birthday Kris !!!  You were the perfect "final addition" to our family !!!

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