
It's a lot like the way it used to be

Weekends around Romanskiville are the times when it seems like nothing has changed. We stay up late on Fridays and sleep in on Saturday mornings. We have dance, bowling, lunch and baths. We usually have dinner at the local pizza joint, Irene's. With the hours Paul works Monday to Friday his to do list for Saturday and Sunday is always too big for the time that he ends up "to himself". 

There is laundry to wash, fold and put away. There are mail and newspapers that we never quite got to during the week. Sometimes there is a birthday party and sometimes we even have plans on a Saturday night. 

Sunday consists of Paul and I heading off to our respective churches, sometimes there is a meeting afterward. Up until last week there was Sunday Night Bowling with Mike and Kim. 

It generally hits me about the same time every Sunday night.  Paul tucks the kids in and I plant myself on the couch with a hot cup of something decaf and watch some TV.  It's then I remember that my job now consists of reading only my personal email account to see what jobs have been identified as potential matches for me and then applying. By the way, that isn't quite 100% .. I've specified jobs in the IT industry in Norwich, CT and today I was advised there is an opening for a Greeter at Friendly's. Last time I was there they were still using a piece of Plexiglass and crayons to track which tables were occupied. 

I'm getting lots of "things" taken care of - Kristen is registered for kindergarten, the dog is legally registered for another year and I'm in the process of getting our tax records straightened out with the assessor .. the city still thinks we have 2 houses. You can now see the entire top surface of our dining room table and kitchen counter.  

Monday through Friday it still seems a little odd not to have 2 computers on my desk, instant messaging pings flashing at the bottom of the screen or having to remember to enter my hours in the dreaded online time entry system. 

The weekend, well it's a lot like the way it used to be .....

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