
There's an interesting fact for ya ....

I tell you my girls say the FUNNIEST stuff ever, I love talking to them at this stage in their lives - they have such an interesting perspective (and they have NO filter)

I'm in the kitchen, preparing dinner.  Hot dogs and baked beans heating on the stove top, macaroni and cheese and french fries in the oven, and blueberries in a strainer in the sink. 

Brooke enters the kitchen and spies the blueberries.

Brooke: "Oh we have BLUEBERRIES????"

Me: "Yes, we do. Two containers in fact, they were buy one, get one free"

Brooke: "I LOVE blueberries so much"

Me: "I know they are your favorite fruit"

Brooke: "And they are good for you too"

Me: "Yes, they are VERY good for you. They have lots of anti-oxidants"

Brooke: "And they make your poop green"

Me: Stunned silence

Brooke: "There's an interesting fact for ya. Call me when dinner's ready please"

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