
It will all work out ....

I've been telling myself for 4 weeks that getting laid off was not earth shattering, that it was for the best. I told myself it was the push I needed, that I had not been happy for some time. I shook my head in agreement and smiled when people told me "it will all work out"  Some days I even believed it.

It has gotten easier as time has gone by. The sting and hurt dissipates. As you are reading job postings and working on your collateral you remember that you are smart, skilled, and have talents that will be recognized and valued. 

You know and start to believe wholeheartedly that you ARE going to be better off. You stay positive, you keep the faith and you hold out for a day where you see visible results.  

That was TODAY ... 

I spent some time with a career counselor who offered terrific advice on my resume.  I spent a couple of hours implementing the changes and I feel like it accurately reflects what I have to offer. I had a brief phone interview with a company and even though I stumbled and stuttered a bit and momentarily fell silent when they asked for salary requirements, they asked me to come see their place. I finally connected with a recruiter and we're meeting to review my resume and opportunities on Friday.  While I was at a dinner tonight, I was approached about doing some short term IT training as a consultant. 

I'm not sure where tomorrow leads, or if I'm up to the commute it would involve .. but I'm sitting here right now and for the first time in 4 weeks I am excited about what the future holds because it WILL all work out. 

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