
Dinner Time

#4 - I am thankful for the nights when we can all have dinner together

There was one of those rare occasions last night .. the "man in brown" was home a few minutes after 6 PM. I know, I could hardly believe it myself.  It is November after all and everywhere I turn I see Christmas trees and hear that "Black Friday" specials are in full force.

Regardless, he was home at 6, we were all sitting down to dinner around 6:40 even if one child refused to eat the pancakes and sausage that were being served.

In addition to us all sitting around the table together exchanging laughs and stories about our day and only having to cook dinner one time, there were other benefits.

The "other" benefits included me getting to the gym for quality time on the elliptical with an old episode of Scandal.  It meant me getting to the grocery store at 8:30 not 9:30 and it meant that I was peacefully tucked in bed playing Suduko with the TV in the background for white noise at 10 pm. It meant lights out at 10:30 and no trouble waking when the alarm beeped at 5:00 AM today.

I've heard that it works like this in lots of households almost daily and I know that there are lots of households where it doesn't EVER.  I am thankful for every single time it does here in Romanskiville. 

I mean who wouldn't want to eat dinner with these three?

#4 - I am thankful for the nights when we can all have dinner together

1 comment:

Lou said...

Great thing!