
A Right and a Privilege

#5 - I am thankful for the right to vote

This is not old news, in fact, I have been thankful for this for a long time and even blogged about it last year in this post

We are electing a Mayor this year in Norwich as well as City Council and Board of Education members.  The Republican Mayor is running for re-election, a Libertarian candidate is on the ballot as well as a Democratic contender.  There was so much interest in the Democratic Party that there was actually a Primary in September. The endorsed candidate in that primary happened to be my ex-husband.  I am a registered Democrat and planned on voting in that primary.  I read the propaganda that both candidates delivered to my mailbox, I had a lovely conversation with a member of the Hinchey campaign and appreciated the fact that my Ex chose to drive by and not stop, especially since my entire family was home and out in the yard.  I went to the debate that was held and I listened, intently, to the candidates speak.  

Most of the people who follow this blog might have known me when I was married to him or they know that it was a particularly messy and miserable divorce and most know that there was no reason that it had to be like that.

I will not lie, it was difficult to ride around town and see the signs with his name everywhere, to get postcards with his big head and shit ass grin in my mailbox. It was hard to listen to his supporters talk about "all the good he has done for this city."

When you know what I know, saw what I saw, experienced what I experienced you would understand how frustrating it was to keep quiet and to let Karma take control. 

All I could do was vote and I did.  He did not win that primary and he was not on the ballot today.  It might make me seem shallow, petty or small but when I learned that the signs were all coming down and he was out of the limelight until his next "big thing" I celebrated with a fist pump in the air and a gigantic hot fudge sundae from the ice cream shop at the bottom of the hill. 

#5 - I am thankful for the right to vote [and particularly thankful this year]

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