
Thirty Days of Thanks

I like to think that I really appreciate all that I have - tangible and intangible - but last year I jumped on the bandwagon with some other Facebook peeps and for the month of November I called out things that I was thankful for.  Today is November 1st and I find that there is something powerful about saying these things out loud for 30 days.  It started conversations with my kids, it reminded some people what an important part of my life they are, and some posts just bring a smile to the faces of my faithful Romanskiville Readers.  

Here's to 2013's Thirty Days of Thanks!

#1 - I am thankful for a peaceful and quiet Friday night

You might be surprised to hear this, but we do a LOT of running around.  Two girls in dance class, 2 girls enrolled in the Saturday Bumper Bowling league, preschool, second grade, 2 working parents, a dog who spends one day a week at doggie daycare .... not a lot of idle time. 

Tonight we were idle ... we came home from school, we walked Bradley, the girls played dress-up in their Halloween costumes while I heated up dinosaur chicken nuggets.  We ate and then the 3 of us climbed up on to the couch, each with a fleece throw and we watched this weeks episode of "The Biggest Loser".  It might seem like an odd choice, but I swear, they picked it!  

The girls seem genuinely invested in the contestants and their success. Sometimes we even have a conversation about our own healthy habits or how we can be more active [oh the irony of that as we snuggle on the couch, on our butts.]  The best part is that the 3 of us fit on the loveseat.  I'm nestled in between them, Brooke on my left, Kristen on my right.  One rests their head on my shoulder, the other holds the hand at the end of the arm I've draped around her. 

No one is whining and no one [Me] is barking orders.  We are just sitting there peacefully together.  Oh and the added bonus .. NO 5 am alarm tomorrow morning to get in a workout at the gym. Ahhhhhh.....

#1 - I am thankful for a peaceful and quiet Friday night

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