
Baby Days

#2 - I am thankful for babies and the miracle that they are ...

Earlier this year, my cousin and his lovely wife were blessed with a daughter.  Alayna Stacia arrived in early June and the Holliday Family could NOT be happier. Last week we were lucky enough to get the call. "Could you keep Alayna while I work on Saturday"  We excitedly and anxiously said "Yes".  She was quite a little trooper and seemed to enjoy the excitement and movement around her - the waiting area in the dance studio and the chaotic madness at the bowling alley.  

She napped here and there in the carseat and then the swing, she played on the floor with Brooke and Kristen and she watched a Barbie movie with them .. the girls are determined to introduce her to their whole collection.  She is just so easy to have around. 

I can remember a few years ago my dad telling me how much he enjoyed being a grandparent. How it was all of the good and none of the bad, that they were taken care of and he didn't have to worry or wonder about their futures because, well, I was doing that.  It was pretty much the same for me today.  When Alayna comes we just enjoy her, I don't plan on getting much done on my perpetual list of "to do's", there will be time for that tomorrow.  

The weather was gorgeous and I snuggled her up in a blanket and we sat in a rocking chair on the front porch.  She laid so still, resting her head on my shoulder and had a hold of my sweatshirt sleeve so tight in her grasp.  We must have rocked for 30 minutes and she barely moved - we just rocked holding onto each other.  Absolute, complete joy to have that time.  I barely remember my girls sitting like that at 5 months, I'm sure they did but I was probably so sleep deprived, worried about dinner, laundry, bills or if I was going to do something that might inadvertently harm them that it all flew out of my memory.

Pretty soon Alayna will be walking around when she comes to visit and she'll spend all the time she is here in the playroom with the girls.  It won't be so easy to get her to rock with me for a while on the porch.  

I am thankful for this time with her now.  She reminds me of how miraculous babies are!

#2 - I am thankful for babies and the miracle that they are  ... 

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