Thursday is Thanksgiving ..... THANKSGIVING .... how did that HAPPEN?
We made it through Halloween, Parent Teacher Conferences and budgets .... budgets are literally the WORST part of my job, but Yahoo, the most time consuming part of them is done. Just in time too, I have bronchitis and it seriously is taking the wind out of my sails. I am very much looking forward to 4 days off and hopefully getting some rest.
In 2009, I wrote the following Thanksgiving Post on Romanskiville. It might be my all time favorite, I am thankful and I smiled when I re-read it again this week.
I'd like to think that I am the type of person who is thankful everyday for something, but I find myself particularly reflective around Thanksgiving. My Tetlow Grandparents had a November Wedding Anniversary and that Grandmother died the day before Thanksgiving in 2000. They were married over 50 years and their house was the hub of family gatherings and Holiday dinners. At times it was utter chaos. Thanksgiving dinners have changed since then - the menu is largely the same but the guests are fewer. We all gather on Mains Crossing, Mom and Dad prepare and cook the entire spread. I bring the wine and Heidi brings the desserts and in 2005 ... we added in the first grandchild and the babies continued to arrive. It is a quieter, more relaxed gathering then those of my childhood but frankly, in my mind, it is just perfect. We are together sharing some of the most delicious food and some of the heartiest laughter and yes at some point every dozes off on a couch.
I love Thanksgiving, I mean what isn't to like about a holiday where the main event is all about food! I love Christmas for the wonder and excitement on the kids faces, Easter for reminding me that Spring and sunshine are on the way but Thanksgiving feels like less pressure (maybe because I'm not thawing and basting a turkey for 3 days) and allows me to really appreciate all the blessings in my life.
There are so many blessings in my life and I am thankful, so very, very thankful ~
I'm a PC ....
"I'm a Mac and I'm a PC" .... most of us have seen the commercials produced by Apple. The theme of those commercials is Macs are easy to use ... for anyone .... and they just "work". They imply the same cannot be said for a PC. I am painfully aware of this since I spent Wednesday in the office working with the desktop team in an effort to get my "new" laptop from July up and running again. I have never been one much for Macs .... it might stem from days at the Helpdesk where we routinely got trouble tickets for them. I hated troubleshooting issues on them - at the time they didn't make sense to me.
Then came the iPod, iTunes, iPhone, iMac and the iPad... all the brain child of Steve Jobs. I have 2 iPods and an iPad .... all of which I won. Lucky me!
I have to admit I can't remember when I "knew" who Steve Jobs was. I think it was probably when his illness was made public. It is no secret, Steve Jobs had pancreatic cancer. It is also no secret that raising funds for cancer research is near and dear to my heart. For years, I volunteered on the planning committee for our local Relay For Life and was the captain of a team. Brooke and Kristen were pushed or carried around the track before their first birthday and over our years of involvement, our team raised in excess of $15,000 dollars.
As Apple and Steve gained more and more popularity ... I figured out how to use my iPod and iTunes. My sister and brother in law got iPhones, my cousins got iPhones and then Macbooks. Then my Aunt ..... and then I won my iPad. And then I fell in LOVE with my iPad. We take it on plane trips or long car rides. The girls can use it without any help. Hmmm, maybe this Jobs guy WAS onto something. I mean my Dad retired and got himself an iPhone and he can use it. Even if he did buy an iPhone after I spent 35 min on the phone telling him why he should go with the Droid, I hate to say it, but I think he made the right choice. I need to replace my phone and I'm considering an iPhone.
I'm not ready to dump my IBM Laptop anytime soon .... I mean I did just get a brand new one Wednesday and, so far, it is working great. So, I'd still say "I'm a PC" ...... but now add with Mac tendencies. The vision and brilliance of Steve Jobs is responsible for that shift for me and SO many others.
The passing of Steve Jobs reminds me that life is precious and unpredictable. That you can have plenty of money, be a technological genius, in your 50's, and have incredible determination yet your life can still be taken too soon. It reminds me that we still have so much work to do in the research for a cure. Hug your kids a little tighter, kiss your spouse and tell them you love them, don't sweat the small stuff, oh and don't forget to charge your iPhone!
Kindergarten 101
It is a little hard to keep up with things around Romanskiville these days. Packing bags for daycare, school, making dinner, getting to dance class and oh yeah, there's WORK !!! Brooke starting school was actually a really good thing for us. It totally "up'd the ante" on time management and being religious about an evening routine. We seemed to be firing on all cylinders until last week ....
Monday was school picture day. I reviewed, completed and included payment made out to Lifetouch as the instructions stated. Brooke choose to wear a navy jumper and not the tan, I even ironed her little cotton light blue blouse ... I HATE ironing ... but she looked adorable with her little lace ruffled socks and school shoes. I reminded Brooke that she had an order from in her backpack and to remember to take it when it was time. She asked if she could wear the new shirt she received for her birthday from Aunt Judy a few days earlier and I reminded her it was a school day and she needed to wear a uniform. Off she went. Later that day I arrived at daycare to pick her up. I asked how pictures went and she says "All the other kids had on different clothes" ..... "CRAP " I thought .... I knew that I should have asked someone. She had already been written up on the 3rd day of school for wearing sandals ... how was I supposed to know? She is in Kindergarten and she is my "first" ... the paperwork said nothing about deviating from the dress code and there had been the issue with the sandals ....
Tuesday night while I am emptying her backpack I find a notice from the Cafeteria that she owes a $1.00 .... how can she owe $$$ she is in HALF DAY Kindergarten and she eats a snack (that I pack in the morning) in her classroom .... how can she owe money??? Did anyone tell her that you have to PAY FOR THAT STUFF if she did actually take what IS available for purchase or does she just think it is a buffet???? I thought that was all sorted out and then I got a automated phone call from the Cafeteria tonight .... still looking for the buck ... AHHHHH !!! Score one for the Food Service Office, I give up and I'm paying the flipping dollar.
My third strike occurred on Wednesday, yep batting a 1000 I was. Packed the usual healthy snack that morning - part skim mozzarella string cheese, yogurt and 100% juice drink box. We are chatting about the day while I'm cleaning up from dinner and another blow .... "Mom, you didn't give me a spoon in my lunchbox. I couldn't eat my yogurt, but I ate my string cheese and drank my juice. I ate a BIG lunch when I got to Jeanne's house" Apparently, she did not mention to her teacher that she was missing a spoon, I am certain she would have been able to solve Brooke's dilemma.
I was on the receiving end of that face more than once last week. I wonder what this week will bring????
Monday was school picture day. I reviewed, completed and included payment made out to Lifetouch as the instructions stated. Brooke choose to wear a navy jumper and not the tan, I even ironed her little cotton light blue blouse ... I HATE ironing ... but she looked adorable with her little lace ruffled socks and school shoes. I reminded Brooke that she had an order from in her backpack and to remember to take it when it was time. She asked if she could wear the new shirt she received for her birthday from Aunt Judy a few days earlier and I reminded her it was a school day and she needed to wear a uniform. Off she went. Later that day I arrived at daycare to pick her up. I asked how pictures went and she says "All the other kids had on different clothes" ..... "CRAP " I thought .... I knew that I should have asked someone. She had already been written up on the 3rd day of school for wearing sandals ... how was I supposed to know? She is in Kindergarten and she is my "first" ... the paperwork said nothing about deviating from the dress code and there had been the issue with the sandals ....
Tuesday night while I am emptying her backpack I find a notice from the Cafeteria that she owes a $1.00 .... how can she owe $$$ she is in HALF DAY Kindergarten and she eats a snack (that I pack in the morning) in her classroom .... how can she owe money??? Did anyone tell her that you have to PAY FOR THAT STUFF if she did actually take what IS available for purchase or does she just think it is a buffet???? I thought that was all sorted out and then I got a automated phone call from the Cafeteria tonight .... still looking for the buck ... AHHHHH !!! Score one for the Food Service Office, I give up and I'm paying the flipping dollar.
My third strike occurred on Wednesday, yep batting a 1000 I was. Packed the usual healthy snack that morning - part skim mozzarella string cheese, yogurt and 100% juice drink box. We are chatting about the day while I'm cleaning up from dinner and another blow .... "Mom, you didn't give me a spoon in my lunchbox. I couldn't eat my yogurt, but I ate my string cheese and drank my juice. I ate a BIG lunch when I got to Jeanne's house" Apparently, she did not mention to her teacher that she was missing a spoon, I am certain she would have been able to solve Brooke's dilemma.
I was on the receiving end of that face more than once last week. I wonder what this week will bring????
First Day of School
Yesterday was the First Day of School. It wasn't the sunny warm day we hoped for. Boy was I glad we picked up a new raincoat when we were finishing our school shopping a few weeks ago, she needed that AND the sweater Gigi and Poppa thought to add to the collection of school uniforms they gifted us with. The morning went great, no meltdowns [well there was mine - but that doesn't count] and everyone was ready on time. We took pictures with Kristen and Daddy and they were off to Miss Carol's so Daddy could make it back to watch the first day of school without distraction or interruption.
Gigi and Poppa arrived and there were more photo ops.
Then we loaded up and headed to Jeanne's house. Brooke gets on and off the bus there since Kindergarten in Norwich is only half day. I was worried about her actually having to get on the bus and head off without us. I mean talking about it and actually doing it are two completely different things. With the rain, we were forced to wait inside and Brooke was losing interest. She wanted to stay and play with the Preschoolers and Matilda, the kitten.
We got her to wait at the door and watch for the bus. She saw it coming down the road and yelled "The bus is here", opened the front door and was off down the sidewalk with her new friend, Zachary, in tow.
She climbed up the steps to the bus, told the driver her name and headed for the back. The driver, Sharon, quickly reminded her she was in Kindergarten and needed to sit in the first 2 rows.
She never looked back and the bus drove away.
What if ...
In less than 2 hours, Brooke is getting on the bus and heading to Kindergarten. UGH! There has been a lot of excitement in our house for this big day - it was supposed to be last Wednesday but thanks to Hurricane Irene, here we are. The wind howling and maybe some thunder woke me about 3 am ... as I laid there trying to fall back to sleep ... I remembered I hadn't pinned Brooke's bus pass to her backpack. Then I thought --- does she know what to do when she gets on the bus - will she quickly pick a seat and slide in? What if no one sits with her? What IF someone sits with her? What if there are no empty seats and she has to sit with someone she doesn't know yet - will she sit? When she gets to school - how will she know who Mrs. Bosse (her teacher) is? where her rooom is? how will she know where to put her coat? I did eventually dose back off .... but man it has been a long night. Now the grown-ups in the house are showered and dressed and the girls are about to get up and start their days .... here we go !!!
Brooke is so excited to for school and to celebrate her birthday with her new friends at Ms. Jeanne's house this afternoon. She is ready and will be fine. Her parents on the other hand, well that remains to be seen.
I'm still trying to figure out where the last 5 years went ?????
Brooke is so excited to for school and to celebrate her birthday with her new friends at Ms. Jeanne's house this afternoon. She is ready and will be fine. Her parents on the other hand, well that remains to be seen.
I'm still trying to figure out where the last 5 years went ?????
School Days
On August 31, Brooke starts kindergarten. Our house is filled with excitement, anticipation [Brooke] and anxiety [Mommy and Daddy] ..... How can it really be that she is ready to start school? We've spent the last few weeks getting ready, uniforms, shoes, socks, boots, a raincoat and tomorrow we're off to get a backpack, pencils, erasers, and anything else that catches our fancy.
In Norwich Public Schools they where uniforms and we are SO excited about that ... seriously we are! We tried on some of the pieces tonight to make sure we were good to go. With her new haircut and big girl school clothes it seems to me like she aged overnight.
How do I look? |
It seems like just yesterday ....
Weathering life without Storm
Life goes on and I have no doubt that some day there will be another four legged, furry, tail wagging friend in this house but for now, we'll learn a new normal and weather it without our Storm.
Storm was an incredibly patient with the girls |
Last week, the dynamic of our household changed drastically. Storm who had been slowing down over the last few months stopped eating on Monday and by Wednesday morning was extremely weak and lethargic. We loaded him into the car and arrived at the vet at 9:20. He was evaluated and the outlook was grim .... infection, severe arthritis, significantly decreased muscle mass, and intestinal cancer. We made the decision that was painful for us, but the best for him. I so appreciate a friend for saying "as his caregiver, it is your responsibility to do right by him even though that will be more painful for you." In my heart and in my mind, I know we did "the right thing" .... but I was not prepared for the emptiness that would envelope our house.
During the day, I think I hear him bark or the sound of his nails making their way across the Pergo floors .... but its a mirage.
The girls are the least phased - they are young and more resilient. Brooke says she doesn't have a dog any more, Kristen from time to time tells us "Buddy in heaven."
Paul and I are heartbroken. Paul and Storm were buds since Storm was 4 months old ... OK truth be told it was NOT love at first sight ..... but they did grow to be the best of friends. When I met Paul and we started dating, I had to win Storm over and THAT took some doing. Paul took him everywhere and let him do whatever, I gently and gradually imposed limits and structure ... Storm and I went to obedience school together ... some how we passed. When Paul and I got married it only seemed logical that Storm be involved .... so Best Man (Dog) he was. When the girls arrived he took it in stride and never really much cared they stole some attention. He was amazingly patient and fiercely protective. He was always near them .... always.
"I'm mad as hell, and you should be too"
"I'm mad as hell, and you should be too" Laura Ziskin (1950 ~ 2011)
Laura Ziskin, a veteran film producer, died on June 12 after a courageous battle against breast cancer. She was a driving force in creating the non-profit, SU2C - Stand up to Cancer, that has raised over 200 million dollars since its inception in 2008.
May we always remember those who have lost the battle to this horrible disease and keep fighting and donating in their honor.
Laura Ziskin, a veteran film producer, died on June 12 after a courageous battle against breast cancer. She was a driving force in creating the non-profit, SU2C - Stand up to Cancer, that has raised over 200 million dollars since its inception in 2008.
May we always remember those who have lost the battle to this horrible disease and keep fighting and donating in their honor.
Thanks Girls !!!
Brooke and Kristen,
You teach me something new every day and you fill our house with joy, love, laughter and chaos. You are exhausting with your endless energy and questions. You did not come easy or without work ..... we were being prepared for the patience that parenthood requires. Some days I am overwhelmed with all the responsibilities that fall on my shoulders and then one of you smiles, giggles, hugs or delivers an unsolicited "Love you Mama" and at that moment it seems OK that we are taking the clean dishes out of the dishwasher, the clean clothes out of the laundry basket and that for the time being we can't find an empty spot on the kitchen counter. There will be time for that later ......
Thanks for completing our family and filling it with pure, sweet, unconditional love!!!
You are my Two Little Amazing Miracles!!!!
Dear Sixteen Year Old Me ......
When I was sixteen, I worked , went to school, drove the cutest little red Chevette. Ever. I spent as much free time by my grandmother's pool as I could. I love the water and loved laying in the sun. I'm not sixteen anymore.... and oh there are days when "if I knew then, what I know now"
Today, at least for now, the sun is shining beautifully. The warmth from it feels amazing especially after the terrible winter we endured. I'm constantly harping on the need for sunscreen ..... but this reminds me and made me want to share. A classmate of Paul's was dead before 40 because of melanoma ... leaving behind his finacee, his parents, a nephew and a niece he never had the opportunity to meet. When Tim died, I pressed Paul to have a particular spot on his back checked ........ my Mom and Sister joined in the campaign and finally he relented. Guess what - it was not Melanoma, but it was the carcenoma 2 before it turns into that. With a simple office visit it was gone -- but untreated --- who knows?
That isn't the only person closely connected to me who's had a scare ... Dad, Paul, and Heidi
Take 5 minutes and watch the video by clicking on the link below.........oh and wear your sunscreen
Today, at least for now, the sun is shining beautifully. The warmth from it feels amazing especially after the terrible winter we endured. I'm constantly harping on the need for sunscreen ..... but this reminds me and made me want to share. A classmate of Paul's was dead before 40 because of melanoma ... leaving behind his finacee, his parents, a nephew and a niece he never had the opportunity to meet. When Tim died, I pressed Paul to have a particular spot on his back checked ........ my Mom and Sister joined in the campaign and finally he relented. Guess what - it was not Melanoma, but it was the carcenoma 2 before it turns into that. With a simple office visit it was gone -- but untreated --- who knows?
That isn't the only person closely connected to me who's had a scare ... Dad, Paul, and Heidi
Take 5 minutes and watch the video by clicking on the link below.........oh and wear your sunscreen
Share with those you love, sixteen, thirty-six, or sixty-six ......... it could save a life !!!
The Greatest Show on Earth
On April 29, we surprised the girls with a trip to the circus. We only told them we were going on an "adventure" and it was killing Brooke. She was full of ideas ... "Are going to Home Depot, cutting down trees, or are we going to Cape Cod????" She was so non-stop with the guesses we encouraged her to take a nap in the car to rest - no such luck.
We broke the news in the parking garage and the reaction was great.
We made the short walk from the garage to the arena and found our seats --- they gave us the perfect vantage point. The show started at 3:00 and ended about 5:30 with a brief intermission. It was such a fun afternoon and the girls are still talking about it. Brooke said the circus was fantastic and we should go again.
Daddy loved the tigers, Mommy's favorite part was the elephants, Kristen loved the horses, and Brooke had trouble deciding what she loved the most - she thinks the acrobats. She told Paul he should be an acrobat -- I think he should stick to delivering packages from the Big Brown Truck -- I don't think the spandex outfits are really his style.
We broke the news in the parking garage and the reaction was great.
We made the short walk from the garage to the arena and found our seats --- they gave us the perfect vantage point. The show started at 3:00 and ended about 5:30 with a brief intermission. It was such a fun afternoon and the girls are still talking about it. Brooke said the circus was fantastic and we should go again.
Daddy loved the tigers, Mommy's favorite part was the elephants, Kristen loved the horses, and Brooke had trouble deciding what she loved the most - she thinks the acrobats. She told Paul he should be an acrobat -- I think he should stick to delivering packages from the Big Brown Truck -- I don't think the spandex outfits are really his style.
The captive audience
Yesterday, I had a hot dog for dinner
Yesterday was Ash Wednesday and, yes, I had a hot dog for dinner.
Some important history for the story follows:
On Ash Wednesday 2003, I ordered Paul a fish sandwich instead of his standard burger and dog and I ordered my usual, "the split" - a hot dog and fries. I walked back with my food and set it down on the table in front of Joe. It took me a few seconds before I realized that he was looking at me, then my hot dog and then at me.
"Oh crap, should I tell him, I'm not Catholic and I'm not breaking the rules?" I thought to myself.
While I continued my internal struggle, Joe blurted out with a bit of an annoyed tone "Are YOU Catholic????"
I quickly replied "No" and he seemed relieved.
"Oh, I can't eat that today" he replied.
"I know, I'm sorry."
It is one of my favorite memories of him .... silly I know ... but it was so him. He said what he felt, when he felt it, whether you wanted to hear it or not and sometimes you seriously wanted to crawl under the table.
Yesterday, I was bowling in the CSC League at 4:30. The girls were staying late with Miss Carol and eating dinner there, Paul was having the frozen fish filets he picked up on his grocery shopping trip on Sunday, so I had the perfect excuse to treat myself to dinner out at the lanes.
I walked to the snack bar and ordered a split and smiled as I walked back to our lanes. When Paul got home we talked about our day and I laughed as I said I had my "traditional" Lenten meal. It wasn't an official tradition but last night I decided that as often as I could, on Ash Wednesday, I'm having a foot long hot dog and french fries at the bowling alley. When the girls are older we're heading to the lanes together, ordering Splits and I'll tell them that story. So even though they never had the chance to personally know their Grandpa Joe, they'll have funny stories and happy memories to hold onto. It stings a little less that way.
Some important history for the story follows:
- The girls and I are Protestant, we attend a Congregational Church, we don't give up meat during Lent.
- Paul is Catholic and observes the practice of giving up meat on Ash Wednesday and Fridays during Lent as does most of his family.
- I don't eat fish .... I don't like fish .... or any seafood really .... yes I leave near the ocean and NO I still don't like fish.
On Ash Wednesday 2003, I ordered Paul a fish sandwich instead of his standard burger and dog and I ordered my usual, "the split" - a hot dog and fries. I walked back with my food and set it down on the table in front of Joe. It took me a few seconds before I realized that he was looking at me, then my hot dog and then at me.
"Oh crap, should I tell him, I'm not Catholic and I'm not breaking the rules?" I thought to myself.
While I continued my internal struggle, Joe blurted out with a bit of an annoyed tone "Are YOU Catholic????"
I quickly replied "No" and he seemed relieved.
"Oh, I can't eat that today" he replied.
"I know, I'm sorry."
It is one of my favorite memories of him .... silly I know ... but it was so him. He said what he felt, when he felt it, whether you wanted to hear it or not and sometimes you seriously wanted to crawl under the table.
Yesterday, I was bowling in the CSC League at 4:30. The girls were staying late with Miss Carol and eating dinner there, Paul was having the frozen fish filets he picked up on his grocery shopping trip on Sunday, so I had the perfect excuse to treat myself to dinner out at the lanes.
I walked to the snack bar and ordered a split and smiled as I walked back to our lanes. When Paul got home we talked about our day and I laughed as I said I had my "traditional" Lenten meal. It wasn't an official tradition but last night I decided that as often as I could, on Ash Wednesday, I'm having a foot long hot dog and french fries at the bowling alley. When the girls are older we're heading to the lanes together, ordering Splits and I'll tell them that story. So even though they never had the chance to personally know their Grandpa Joe, they'll have funny stories and happy memories to hold onto. It stings a little less that way.
You are always in our hearts, Joe Ro !!!!!
I am not a gourmet cook ......
I am not a gourmet cook ........ but I try.
I've made it a goal, resolution, a mission if you will to learn how to cook. I mean stuff that doesn't come out of a box that you just add water, eggs or butter to .... but really learn how to cook. I'm all about setting realistic goals - so I have no designs on landing my own Food Network or Cooking Channel show - I just want to cook basic, delicious and mostly healthy meals that we really LOVE to eat. I feel this is a good time to mention for those of you who are not aware of this, my husband does NOT eat cheese .... no seriously, I am NOT kidding. He does eat pizza with cheese but that is the end of it - no grilled cheese, no mac & cheese, no deliciously gooey, melty Mexican cheese on burritos, enchiladas .... NOTHING. Let me also point out that when we met I could cook about 1 thing (meatloaf) that didn't have cheese in the recipe. It still to this day amazes me that I was able to win his affection ..... (that's a story for another post too)
Its another little known fact that I DVR The Oprah Winfrey Show every day .... there are 18 episodes on the hard drive and I'm listening and sort of watching an episode right now. Some time ago Jessica Seinfeld was a guest on an episode to promote her newest cookbook. That episode has changed the face of our dining room table - since then we have roasted chicken almost once a week. Another recipe I learned on that episode is her crock-pot lasagna. We don't have this as often as the chicken - remember that whole "husband doesn't eat cheese thing" ... but its my favorite dish to prepare if I need something to take to a friend's house. I rave about this whenever I make it ... we had it again Tuesday night when Auntie Cindy and Uncle David came for dinner.
I've made it a goal, resolution, a mission if you will to learn how to cook. I mean stuff that doesn't come out of a box that you just add water, eggs or butter to .... but really learn how to cook. I'm all about setting realistic goals - so I have no designs on landing my own Food Network or Cooking Channel show - I just want to cook basic, delicious and mostly healthy meals that we really LOVE to eat. I feel this is a good time to mention for those of you who are not aware of this, my husband does NOT eat cheese .... no seriously, I am NOT kidding. He does eat pizza with cheese but that is the end of it - no grilled cheese, no mac & cheese, no deliciously gooey, melty Mexican cheese on burritos, enchiladas .... NOTHING. Let me also point out that when we met I could cook about 1 thing (meatloaf) that didn't have cheese in the recipe. It still to this day amazes me that I was able to win his affection ..... (that's a story for another post too)
Its another little known fact that I DVR The Oprah Winfrey Show every day .... there are 18 episodes on the hard drive and I'm listening and sort of watching an episode right now. Some time ago Jessica Seinfeld was a guest on an episode to promote her newest cookbook. That episode has changed the face of our dining room table - since then we have roasted chicken almost once a week. Another recipe I learned on that episode is her crock-pot lasagna. We don't have this as often as the chicken - remember that whole "husband doesn't eat cheese thing" ... but its my favorite dish to prepare if I need something to take to a friend's house. I rave about this whenever I make it ... we had it again Tuesday night when Auntie Cindy and Uncle David came for dinner.
So here is what you've all been waiting for .... the piece De resistance'
If you're inspired to give it a whirl here's the recipe (with my customizations in brackets)
3 cans 14.4 oz crushed tomatoes [I usually use 2 28 oz cans]
3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
2 tbsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
2 containers fresh ricotta - 15 oz each [I use one large 32 oz container - part skim]
2 cups (8 oz) grated mozzarella [part skim or fat free]
1/4 c grated Parmesan cheese
12 lasagna noodles (about 3/4 of a 1 pound box) [I use whole wheat pasta]
5 oz baby spinach
3 - 4 Chicken Italian Sausage links - cook ahead of time [I don't know if you need to but the thought of raw chicken totally grosses me out. There is a name brand one I buy that says on the package it is already cooked, but when I buy the store brand I bake them in the oven first and then dice it up]
In a medium bowl, combine the tomatoes, garlic, oregano, salt, red pepper and black pepper. In a separate bowl, mix the ricotta, 1 c of the mozzarella and the Parmesan.
In the bottom of a 5 to 6 quart slow cooker, spread a thin layer of the sauce. Top with 3 of the noodles (breaking to fit as necessary). Spread about 1 cup of the sauce over the noodles and layer with 2 cups of spinach, 1 1/2 c of the cheese mixture and 1 diced sausage link. Repeat twice more with the noodles, sauce, spinach, cheese mixture, and sausage. Top with the remaining 3 noodles, sauce and 1 cup of mozzarella.
Cook on low, covered, until the noodles are tender - especially in the center of the lasagna about 3.5 - 4 hours. Serve with salad and garlic bread and enjoy!
This post is dedicated to my friend and co-worker May (she introduced me to one of my new favorite blogs The Pioneer Woman ) ....... I hope this helps you "picture" it.
Happier Times
My last Romanskiville post was not filled with pictures of my girls or stories about their antics.... it was somber and sad, but I felt a little better after I wrote it. That post was written on February 8, the same day our beautiful little niece (and cousin), Olivia, turned one. I didn't forget it was her birthday that day - sent her my wishes that morning but the big shindig wasn't until that weekend so it wasn't really "real" to us yet.
From very early on, my sister started calling Olivia "Lady Bug" and not too long after that, Brooke followed suit and then we either heard someone else say it or we just slipped into calling her Livy Bug. She is going to be 40 years old and I am still going to be calling her "Livy Bug", the same way I, to this day, am "Heather B" (that's a story for another post). Her party was all pink and lady bugs - it was ADORABLE and she looked soooo sweet in her Birthday Girl outfit.
She was the perfect guest of honor delighting her guests with her charm and personality. Opening gifts with excitement and enthusiasm - clapping and laughing and flashing that smile that just melts your heart. We gave Garrett a rocking chair for his first birthday, so it was only fitting that Livy get one too! I found the perfect one - pinks, purples with a butterfly that matches her room theme.
She was a professional cake messer upper and had no problem getting her hands dirty and digging into that cake. You made your Auntie proud little one!!!!
Happy FIRST Birthday Livy Bug !!!!!! We love watching you grow !!!!!
At a loss .....
It has been a long 24 hours and my mind has wandered frequently today. I learned last night that an old friend from high school took his own life and is gone far too young. I wonder how bad things must have gotten for him to feel this was his only way out. I wonder how he ended up feeling so isolated and alone.
We grew up in a small town - sort of like Cheers - where every one knows your name and your parents and lots of stuff - maybe even stuff you wish they didn't. Word of this tragedy has spread fast and left many sad and bewildered.
I am sad that he is gone but even more so my heart aches for the family he has left behind. I am certain they are devastated, confused, and maybe even angry. They are left to pick up the pieces and go on without him. They have dealt with so much sadness over the years. It seems unfair that they got dealt this hand.
Bob and I lost touch for a long time, reconnected via email in the last few years and then were friends on FB. I keep looking at his profile on Facebook, his profile picture is the perfect image. It is the Bob that I remember from HS and I swear he looked exactly like that all those years ago. He was gentle, kind, funny and sarcastic, but in a charming way. You were happy in his presence and spent most of that time laughing. It is unfathomable to me that his last hours were filled with violence and confrontation ... it just is not the person I knew and isn't the man I will remember.
I choose to believe in a God that does not intercede in tragedies, but weeps for them. A God that offers strength and courage to go on when nothing makes sense. I pray that God will allow the people that are overcome with grief to mourn and, in time, to heal.
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance ........ a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace" Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
For me, this doesn't seem like it was the "right" time, but I don't make the rules or shape the future. I hope beyond all hope that this is his 'time for peace'
We grew up in a small town - sort of like Cheers - where every one knows your name and your parents and lots of stuff - maybe even stuff you wish they didn't. Word of this tragedy has spread fast and left many sad and bewildered.
I am sad that he is gone but even more so my heart aches for the family he has left behind. I am certain they are devastated, confused, and maybe even angry. They are left to pick up the pieces and go on without him. They have dealt with so much sadness over the years. It seems unfair that they got dealt this hand.
Bob and I lost touch for a long time, reconnected via email in the last few years and then were friends on FB. I keep looking at his profile on Facebook, his profile picture is the perfect image. It is the Bob that I remember from HS and I swear he looked exactly like that all those years ago. He was gentle, kind, funny and sarcastic, but in a charming way. You were happy in his presence and spent most of that time laughing. It is unfathomable to me that his last hours were filled with violence and confrontation ... it just is not the person I knew and isn't the man I will remember.
I choose to believe in a God that does not intercede in tragedies, but weeps for them. A God that offers strength and courage to go on when nothing makes sense. I pray that God will allow the people that are overcome with grief to mourn and, in time, to heal.
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance ........ a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace" Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
For me, this doesn't seem like it was the "right" time, but I don't make the rules or shape the future. I hope beyond all hope that this is his 'time for peace'
1971 ~ 2011
This CANNOT be Good
The other night I walked back into the kitchen to discover these shenanigans ... Kristen had carried her stool over to the gate, carefully placed it down and then ....... well the pictures speak for themselves.
She climbs onto her stool
Surveys her next move
I was not fast enough to catch a photo of her lifting her left leg and trying to swing it over the gate but that was the next move. She is going to be the one that tries to climb out of her crib, jumps of the playscape from the tippity top, and jumps into the deep end with out any additional floatation devices. Thank goodness we have good insurance and that is why we already have her enrolled in swimming lessons.
Go Red ....
Heart Disease is the Number 1 killer in women age 20 and over. Heart Disease kills more women then the next four causes of death combined. Today is "Go Red for Women Day" to raise awareness and last year on this day I devoted a blog entry to the event.
I made some pledges that day last year ......
- to personally exercise more (OK who am I kidding - this should really read START exercising!)
- to teach my children the importance of exercise
- to encourage healthy eating for our family
Are you wondering how we've done on these pledges here in Romanskiville? I'm happy to report (and sort of proud) that we have made definite strides forward. We didn't get off to a blazing start in February it took a while to get going. Last summer we swam, we walked, we biked every day on our Cape Cod vacation and we sweated off a few pounds on those days that were in the high 90's and WICKED humid. Recently, we setup our Wii and I'm loving the Wii Fit Plus. Kristen and I do Yoga together in the wee morning hours. I've tried to explain to her that we do NOT need to get up at 5:30 am, we would have plenty of time to get our workouts in even if we started at 6:45 am ..... we are still working that one out.
I cook more then ever and I'm not talking about frozen pizza, boxed macaroni and cheese or other dinner in a box concoctions .... these had been our friends in the past. In the summer, we grilled almost every night and it was rarely a hot dog or hamburger. This winter our new favorite is Jessica Seinfeld's oven roasted chicken. Yup, I can actually roast a chicken and no one gets sick !!!! The best part is that since I've been paying more attention to what we are eating, when and how much I'm 20 lbs lighter ... I still have some to go, well a good "chunk" to go (no pun intended) ... but there has been significant progress.
January Sledding - Live Footage
That is Kristen yelling "Weeeeee" while Paul & Brooke are pulling the sled up and down the driveway.
Winter Time Fun
We've had record snowfall for the month of January in CT and we are expecting more later this week - oh joy !! On more than one morning, we've been awakened by the joyful squeals of Brooke announcing "it snowed last night - let's go sledding"
All you people who are sick and tired of the snowy weather can thank me - I took one for the team!!!!
Bundled Up
Ready to Ride
The girls share a sled ride
At first, the girls were impressed by the whole snowman, sledding, snow angel thing but even the novelty has worn off for them. It takes me longer to get them dressed in their snow gear than we last outside. I have cheap winter boots - they leak, they lack insulation and the flipping zippers are always getting jammed. We don't normally get a lot of snow, so they have served their purpose and not warranted a more sizeable investment. This Winter The Snow Gods are doubled over laughing at me. So today, after shoveling for a mere 15 minutes, I came in with frozen toes. The Snow Gods win - - - I ordered new, expensive boots. I am sure I have seen the last sizeable, boots needed snow for the season. All you people who are sick and tired of the snowy weather can thank me - I took one for the team!!!!
365 Project
When I grow up, I want to take pictures .... really good pictures. For now I am happy with my point and shoot camera (thanks for the recommendation Mark Burbidge) and the pictures I snap of our everyday life. Since I need to save for the more sophisticated camera and have the time to devote to learning how to use it I decided that I was going to attempt a "365 Project" this year as sort of a warm up. What's a 365 Project you ask?
A 365 Project is a photography project where you take 1 photo each day for a year on a subject of your choosing and share it with the world.
I'm a little worried that I'm going to forget one day ... so if you see me in person or virtually, ask me what I've photographed that day.
You can follow my project here
Yup, I've got lots of room for improvement .......
A 365 Project is a photography project where you take 1 photo each day for a year on a subject of your choosing and share it with the world.
I'm a little worried that I'm going to forget one day ... so if you see me in person or virtually, ask me what I've photographed that day.
You can follow my project here
Here's two that didn't make the cut .....
Yup, I've got lots of room for improvement .......
Christmas 2010 Memories
Now that all the chaos of Christmas has passed I'm finally finding time to post some photos from the Holidays. Brooke was so excited to see Santa at the mall. As we got closer to the spot she was filled with anticipation but visibly distressed when we rounded a corner and she didn't see him. "Mom, I don't see a man in a red suit anywhere ..." Thankfully we spotted him after taking a few more steps. She was so proud to tell Santa she only hoped to get a new sketch pad on Christmas Morning. Santa came through.
Santa Claus also made an appearance at Miss Carol's Daycare. The kids returned from playing down the hall to discover him waiting in the living room. Love the looks on their little faces.
Brooke was so happy to be on Santa's lap again and this time getting an early present.
Kristen, well let's just say this wasn't her year for Santa Claus
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Dancing with the Stars ????
Paul has a favorite Backyardigans episode, the one where they Polka ..... we have affectionately named it "The Redneck Polka", since underneath it all, we really are just a bunch of Rednecks in this house.
For your viewing pleasure, I present live footage from a July evening when Daddy and Brooke danced along with the TV and Kristen watched.
*** Disclaimer: 1) Yes, he knows I posted this and sort gave his expressed permission. 2) This was previously only available on my Facebook page and was loaded here on Romanskiville by request (seriously - people wanted to see it here)
For every thing there is a season
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance ........ a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace" Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
I purposely didn't post here on Jan 1 .... I've been thinking seriously about New Years Resolutions for 2011 the last few weeks and every time I thought about them, I got a little discouraged. You see it takes me all of about 2.8 seconds (OK, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration) but within a few weeks of the "New Year" I've faltered or stopped all together, you know the eating healthy, the exercising, the doing this or not doing that. The list is too long to be practical and it leaves me feeling discouraged and disappointed. I'm not doing it again ...
Don't get me wrong, I was excited about a New Year, 2010 was exhausting for us, physically and mentally. I was ready to be able to draw that proverbial "line in the sand" and start fresh but I needed to approach it differently then in the past.
January 1, 2011 was a good day.
We spent time with close friends and with each other. We did chores and we played. It was not over planned, over scheduled, or over stressed ...... it was calm, peaceful and balanced. It was SO GOOD.
Brooke & Daddy & Frosty the Snowman
We'll see how it goes .......
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