
Faith and Love

#15 - I am thankful for Faith
I belong to a small Congregational Church in Norwich. I started going there just before Paul and I were married and I eventually became a member. The girls were both Baptized there and we go every Sunday.. ok, most Sundays. That Church has become an extension of our family. 

There was a time in my life that I felt like God let the good and bad happen. When some particularly sad or tragic thing happened I would think "Why did God do this? Why did he take them? Why did he cause such suffering?" 

I think as you experience more life your thinking evolves, at least mine has. The way I see it, there is evil in this world and terrible things happen. More often than not, those bad things happen to amazingly good people. The God that I believe in weeps with me, suffers with me, comforts me when I am hurting. He carries me when I am weak. 

Remember Footprints in the Sand?   “The years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when I carried you.”

In June, we attended a benefit for friends who have a son battling cancer. We have been involved in lots of events for this family and each and every time Paul and I are so impressed by the way the community comes together for them. They have been lifted in prayer, showered with gifts, food, financial support. At this picnic, my friend took the microphone to thank those in attendance. Her son was having a good day - running, laughing, enjoying the attention and activities - the others in attendance were having a good day too. You could feel the pride radiating from the organizers in their success, you could almost touch the joy of every person in attendance. Her words struck me and I hope I quote her accurately ..."I stopped asking Why? Why does a little boy gets cancer a long time ago...but maybe this was it..to bring people together, to get people to stop and love each other, to remind us that there are so many good people out there" I knew that it was her Faith that had been sustaining her through the ups and downs and gave her the strength to face the next day. I recognized it in her because I'd seen it in myself. 

It makes me sad when I think about the people who don't believe in something bigger than them. I wonder how they get through the rough times, what sustains them. 

I'm thankful for my Faith and the strength and comfort that it provides me. 

At Least I've Still Got My Health

#14 - I am thankful that I am healthy ...

On Saturday we are going to a funeral for a friend, he was 55. That is too young, too soon for him to be gone from this world. In January, friends found out that their son, not quite 2, had Leukemia and they fight on. We have other friends who suffer from chronic pain or significant health challenges.

We have another acquaintance who is suffering from unexplained blackouts and is now not able to work. His family is not only faced with the scary prospect of finding the source of the problem but now they are dealing with a loss of income. 

I read somewhere that the average american is just 1 medical crisis away from bankruptcy. After being out of work for a while and collecting unemployment, I really began to understand how true that statement is. 

I can feel myself starting to age .. I'm slower than I was, I'm heavier than I was, it takes me longer to recover when I burn the candle at both ends ... my feet hurt, my legs and back ache ... but if I go to bed a little earlier and wear "sensible" shoes those things fade some. 

We are so lucky, so fortunate, so blessed that we are healthy; that our kids are healthy. All too often we take that for granted ..... 

Finally Friday

#13 - I'm thankful for Friday

I've said it before, I'll say it again....Thank Goodness for Friday!

Sometimes you just need a break ....

... no alarm

... no lunch boxes

... no homework

... no uniforms


... "oldies night" ... the girls have started a new Friday night ritual .. they stream I Love Lucy and Mr. Ed to the TV from their ipad. Paul thinks it is great, I retreat to our bedroom and read or watch something on the other TV. I do that with a big grin on my face listening to the 3 of them roar with laughter watching those old shows. 

T.G. I. T

#12 - I am thankful for Thursday night TV

I know it is supposed to say TGIF .. but last year when producer Shonda Rhimes created a new show called "How to Get Away with Murder" and placed it behind Grey's Anatomy and Scandal it was a clean sweep for her .. she owned Thursday night on ABC. 

I was late to the Scandal and Greys game .. I caught up on the previous seasons via Amazon, Hulu, and Netflix. There was no way I was going to get behind on the 8 ball on How to Get Away ... it annoys me a little, it jumps from present to past and back again several times an episode but it is SO good. 

Greys kills me ... I am so invested in the characters and their stories. I swear most weeks I am crying within 5-10 min of the episode starting.  Even after all these seasons Shonda can still surprise me. Yup didn't see Derek getting smushed by the semi last season ... Thanks, thank a bunch for that one!

Then there is Scandal ... am I supposed to believe that a high powered fixer can have an affair with the president.. for years...and that people notice and don't say "boo" 

We won't even start with how unrealistic How to Get Away is .. but the thing is the writing, the acting, it is SO good .. the people are SO talented that it does not matter. You can't pull yourself away. 

By the time Thursday rolls around I'm getting tired .... I look forward to sitting on the couch with my puzzle book, iPad or catalogs and catching up with my "people" 


Thank You for Your Service

# 11 - I'm so thankful for our Military and Veterans

Today is Veterans Day. I started the day by posting the picture of my dad from his days in the Army. I showed Brooke and she said "You look like him" .. I don't see that .. but when I look at this picture, I see my nephew through and through. 

Then there was breakfast for the Veterans on the Service Desk and Desktop Support Teams. We surprised them which was SO fun!!!

In the afternoon there was a small reception in the library. In our organization we have 8 Veterans, 7 are pictured below. These are humble and unassuming people. They do not like to be the center of attention and many of them find excuses not to attend these types of "social" events. I was SO PROUD of their attendance and to have the opportunity to thank them for their years of service to our Country. 


#10 - I am thankful for grocery pickup

My local grocery store has a pick up service, it saves me time, money and irritation. 

I "shop" on their website, choose a time for pick up, "submit" my order and show up at the designated time. 

It costs me a $2 fee - no waiting - no tipping - no headache - no crowd - no impulse buys.



#9 - I am thankful for coffee

I love it hot, I love it iced .... sometimes I drink it for the caffeine, sometimes for the smell, sometimes for the heat from the mug. 

I started drinking coffee late by some standards, around 30 ... I got through college on Classic Coke and Mountain Dew .....but I've really grown to appreciate it. 

My favorite thing to do is brew a cup on a Saturday morning and sit on the couch snuggled under a fleece throw and watch something on the DVR while the rest of the house sleeps. 

Long Wooded Walks and Naps

#7 - I'm thankful for long family walks

Last weekend there was a rare occasion in our house .. we had NOTHING planned - no birthday parties, no Church dinners, no Thirty-one Parties, NOTHING.  IT WAS HEAVENLY!

After lunch we decided to walk the Fairview Resevoir. It is not a walk for the faint of stamina but Paul and I have walked this many times before. It would be the first time for the girls but they are the Energizer Bunnies .. 

Off we went, climbed over the stone wall, cut through the neighbors yard and down to the Res. There is a path around the whole thing, about a car's width and it is relatively flat. 

We walked for a ways and then Kristen started in that she was tired. We were in too deep at that point so we started distracting. We got around the back side from where we started and we could see Moriarty Magnet School through the trees and the bright new colored slide. The we searched for the water tower, threw some rocks in the water and looked for the "emergency" boat launch. 

I noticed things I don't remember seeing before - like this amazing fence with Fleur de Lis finials on it. 

It was overcast but warm so, perfect weather for a long walk. We found interesting rocks and vines.

Everyone pushed through .. about 3.25 miles later we were back home ... where we all settled in for a NAP!

#8 - I'm thankful for naps

There is something to be said for a quick 30 min nap on a Saturday afternoon. The funniest part of our walk was when Kristen announced "when we get home I am going to need a BIG drink and then a pepe" .... I'm not sure how or why that started at our house but we call little naps like that in the middle of the afternoon a "pepe" .. We earned that nap on Saturday!

Man's Best Friend

#6 - I am thankful for Man's Best Friend

Last Friday, Facebook's "On This Day" app popped up this picture of Paul and Bradley.

Storm had left us almost a year before and our house was different, there was an emptiness that was hard to describe. 

Bradley arrived by plane from Austin, Texas on a stormy, Friday afternoon. He had a layover in Atlanta and then an unexpected diversion to Philly and then back to Hartford. 

We knew little about him and after Paul and I agreed that he could come to join Romanskiville, we wondered what we had done. Would he try to eat our kids? 

After several back and forths to the cargo terminal because of weather delays, finally a crate was loaded into the back of the pathfinder. We drove to the farthest end of the parking lot away from other people, cars, and noises. 

We opened the crate, helped him down, and Paul knelt beside him ... that picture is that moment. When I saw Bradley immediately take to Paul and lick him up his whole face I knew it was all going to be OK. 

He quickly adjusted and has become an absolute love! We needed someone to fill that void that Storm had left. 

There was a plan bigger than anyone could have imagined ... who imagines that a dog abandoned in a gas station parking lot in TX would end up in CT spoiled to death. 

I'm never really sure who needed who more .... but we were all supposed to end up together. I'm SO thankful that we did. 



#5 - I'm thankful for my Work Family

Today, in a meeting, we were asked what it was like to work there. One of the meeting attendees said that we were a family, that we supported each other and did what was needed to get the job done. I couldn't have said it better myself.

I started this new job in February after 9 months of upheaval, uncertainty, and stress. I was nervous to start a new job - I had been with my previous employer for 18 years. You know how things work and how to get things done when you are at a place that long but you also know PEOPLE. You've built relationships and friendships. People who laughed and cried with you, vented with you. People who supported you through a divorce. People who shared in the joy of your wedding and the arrival of your kids. That didn't just happen, it took time.....and I wondered and worried.... that it would be hard to be part of a "work family" again. 

I still have much to learn at this job. There are things that take me too long, there are things I have to ask for help with that I should probably be able to handle myself. I'm still learning how to "get things done" and working hard to build name recognition .. ya know so when people see Romanski, H on their phone display they will actually pick up. However, in a relatively short time, I have a work family again. 

I have people who go to bat for me, people who, without reservation, throw me a life ring when the water gets a little too deep. They've taken the time to get to know me, my professional background, as well as, me personally. We walk together at lunch, people save Box Tops for the girls, and send them trinkets and treats all the time. People who call and ask for professional advice or insight because they trust in my experience. 

I'm so happy to have this Work Family and I hope that they are happy to have me!

Catching up

Per normal, I'm running a little behind in the Thirty Days ...

#1 - I'm thankful for Daylight Savings Time.

Sunday, Nov 1st at 2 am we "fell back" and when I got up at 6:10 feeling refreshed and full of energy I was so thankful that for that "extra" hour. I get that is mostly psychological but that works for me. Before we headed out for Mass and a Baptism 4 people were showered and dressed in our Sunday best, food had been cooked and some laundry washed and folded. I'll take that feeling of accomplishment even if it is short lived. 

#2 - I'm thankful for kind, thoughtful and hard working neighbors

On Halloween morning we gathered together with a handful of neighborhood families to do a Fall Cleanup on the yard of an elderly neighbor. One post on Facebook Monday evening with the plan and Voila we had a crew. One neighbor made an apple crisp, another a small cake and everyone brought a rake and their enthusiasm. In 90 minutes, we were done and it was actually FUN! I was so proud of what we accomplished and how special we made our neighbors feel by doing this small thing for them. 

#3 - I'm thankful for Indian Summer

We are experiencing an unusually warm and mild Fall. I am enjoying not having to scrape my windshield in the morning and leaving for the day in a light jacket. The leaves are gorgeous reds, oranges and yellows and when the sun hits them just the right way it looks like they could be on fire. Fall is one of the reasons that I love living in New England and these extra days of warm temps and bright sunshine are making this one an extra treat!

#4 - I'm thankful that both girls go to dance on the same night

Last year Brooke danced on Tuesday nights and Kristen on Saturday mornings. It was doable and Paul was around to help with the Saturday stuff but we "lost" 1 weeknight to dance and most of Saturday. This year they both go on Wednesday - one at 5:00 and one at 7:00 - which is kind of a pain in the rear but at least it is on one night and then it is over, done, finished. Saturday is open for errands, chores, birthday parties or social invites and sometimes just for relaxing! 

30 Days of Thanks

A few years ago I started to do "Thirty Days of Thanks" in the month of November ... sometimes the things I am thankful for are funny and sometimes they are serious. Regardless of which one it ends up being I know that I have stopped to think, at least a minute or two, that day to find something that brings me joy, comfort, or gratitude. I think about what it is that makes that something I cherish. 

A teacher at Moriarty Magnet School does this with her 3rd grade class every day ... they grab a post-it note and they write their what and why. She's written about the changes that she has seen in her classroom and in her students since she instituted this. She has seen more kindness and thoughtfulness. In a world full of entitled and selfish young people, what a life lesson she is teaching those 8 year olds. Something that isn't part of Common Core or Magnet Standards, but, perhaps, something of far greater significance. 

It is "easy" at first to think of things and why they are important. The longer you do this it might get a little more challenging and the "why", well that makes it a little more thought provoking. 

If you've never done "thirty days of thanks" .. consider it .. you don't have to blog or Facebook or Tweet them ... lay in your bed for a minute after your alarm goes off and think of one thing that you are thankful for and WHY ... 

I promise you it it will change your perspective ......