
30 Days of Thanks

A few years ago I started to do "Thirty Days of Thanks" in the month of November ... sometimes the things I am thankful for are funny and sometimes they are serious. Regardless of which one it ends up being I know that I have stopped to think, at least a minute or two, that day to find something that brings me joy, comfort, or gratitude. I think about what it is that makes that something I cherish. 

A teacher at Moriarty Magnet School does this with her 3rd grade class every day ... they grab a post-it note and they write their what and why. She's written about the changes that she has seen in her classroom and in her students since she instituted this. She has seen more kindness and thoughtfulness. In a world full of entitled and selfish young people, what a life lesson she is teaching those 8 year olds. Something that isn't part of Common Core or Magnet Standards, but, perhaps, something of far greater significance. 

It is "easy" at first to think of things and why they are important. The longer you do this it might get a little more challenging and the "why", well that makes it a little more thought provoking. 

If you've never done "thirty days of thanks" .. consider it .. you don't have to blog or Facebook or Tweet them ... lay in your bed for a minute after your alarm goes off and think of one thing that you are thankful for and WHY ... 

I promise you it it will change your perspective ......

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