
T.G. I. T

#12 - I am thankful for Thursday night TV

I know it is supposed to say TGIF .. but last year when producer Shonda Rhimes created a new show called "How to Get Away with Murder" and placed it behind Grey's Anatomy and Scandal it was a clean sweep for her .. she owned Thursday night on ABC. 

I was late to the Scandal and Greys game .. I caught up on the previous seasons via Amazon, Hulu, and Netflix. There was no way I was going to get behind on the 8 ball on How to Get Away ... it annoys me a little, it jumps from present to past and back again several times an episode but it is SO good. 

Greys kills me ... I am so invested in the characters and their stories. I swear most weeks I am crying within 5-10 min of the episode starting.  Even after all these seasons Shonda can still surprise me. Yup didn't see Derek getting smushed by the semi last season ... Thanks, thank a bunch for that one!

Then there is Scandal ... am I supposed to believe that a high powered fixer can have an affair with the president.. for years...and that people notice and don't say "boo" 

We won't even start with how unrealistic How to Get Away is .. but the thing is the writing, the acting, it is SO good .. the people are SO talented that it does not matter. You can't pull yourself away. 

By the time Thursday rolls around I'm getting tired .... I look forward to sitting on the couch with my puzzle book, iPad or catalogs and catching up with my "people" 

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