

#5 - I'm thankful for my Work Family

Today, in a meeting, we were asked what it was like to work there. One of the meeting attendees said that we were a family, that we supported each other and did what was needed to get the job done. I couldn't have said it better myself.

I started this new job in February after 9 months of upheaval, uncertainty, and stress. I was nervous to start a new job - I had been with my previous employer for 18 years. You know how things work and how to get things done when you are at a place that long but you also know PEOPLE. You've built relationships and friendships. People who laughed and cried with you, vented with you. People who supported you through a divorce. People who shared in the joy of your wedding and the arrival of your kids. That didn't just happen, it took time.....and I wondered and worried.... that it would be hard to be part of a "work family" again. 

I still have much to learn at this job. There are things that take me too long, there are things I have to ask for help with that I should probably be able to handle myself. I'm still learning how to "get things done" and working hard to build name recognition .. ya know so when people see Romanski, H on their phone display they will actually pick up. However, in a relatively short time, I have a work family again. 

I have people who go to bat for me, people who, without reservation, throw me a life ring when the water gets a little too deep. They've taken the time to get to know me, my professional background, as well as, me personally. We walk together at lunch, people save Box Tops for the girls, and send them trinkets and treats all the time. People who call and ask for professional advice or insight because they trust in my experience. 

I'm so happy to have this Work Family and I hope that they are happy to have me!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awwww - we are so lucky to have you!