
Thank You for Your Service

# 11 - I'm so thankful for our Military and Veterans

Today is Veterans Day. I started the day by posting the picture of my dad from his days in the Army. I showed Brooke and she said "You look like him" .. I don't see that .. but when I look at this picture, I see my nephew through and through. 

Then there was breakfast for the Veterans on the Service Desk and Desktop Support Teams. We surprised them which was SO fun!!!

In the afternoon there was a small reception in the library. In our organization we have 8 Veterans, 7 are pictured below. These are humble and unassuming people. They do not like to be the center of attention and many of them find excuses not to attend these types of "social" events. I was SO PROUD of their attendance and to have the opportunity to thank them for their years of service to our Country. 

1 comment:

Lou said...

I have taken the lead from my wife and when seeing a soldier or veteran, I always thank them for their service.