
Faith and Love

#15 - I am thankful for Faith
I belong to a small Congregational Church in Norwich. I started going there just before Paul and I were married and I eventually became a member. The girls were both Baptized there and we go every Sunday.. ok, most Sundays. That Church has become an extension of our family. 

There was a time in my life that I felt like God let the good and bad happen. When some particularly sad or tragic thing happened I would think "Why did God do this? Why did he take them? Why did he cause such suffering?" 

I think as you experience more life your thinking evolves, at least mine has. The way I see it, there is evil in this world and terrible things happen. More often than not, those bad things happen to amazingly good people. The God that I believe in weeps with me, suffers with me, comforts me when I am hurting. He carries me when I am weak. 

Remember Footprints in the Sand?   “The years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when I carried you.”

In June, we attended a benefit for friends who have a son battling cancer. We have been involved in lots of events for this family and each and every time Paul and I are so impressed by the way the community comes together for them. They have been lifted in prayer, showered with gifts, food, financial support. At this picnic, my friend took the microphone to thank those in attendance. Her son was having a good day - running, laughing, enjoying the attention and activities - the others in attendance were having a good day too. You could feel the pride radiating from the organizers in their success, you could almost touch the joy of every person in attendance. Her words struck me and I hope I quote her accurately ..."I stopped asking Why? Why does a little boy gets cancer a long time ago...but maybe this was it..to bring people together, to get people to stop and love each other, to remind us that there are so many good people out there" I knew that it was her Faith that had been sustaining her through the ups and downs and gave her the strength to face the next day. I recognized it in her because I'd seen it in myself. 

It makes me sad when I think about the people who don't believe in something bigger than them. I wonder how they get through the rough times, what sustains them. 

I'm thankful for my Faith and the strength and comfort that it provides me. 

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