
Man's Best Friend

#6 - I am thankful for Man's Best Friend

Last Friday, Facebook's "On This Day" app popped up this picture of Paul and Bradley.

Storm had left us almost a year before and our house was different, there was an emptiness that was hard to describe. 

Bradley arrived by plane from Austin, Texas on a stormy, Friday afternoon. He had a layover in Atlanta and then an unexpected diversion to Philly and then back to Hartford. 

We knew little about him and after Paul and I agreed that he could come to join Romanskiville, we wondered what we had done. Would he try to eat our kids? 

After several back and forths to the cargo terminal because of weather delays, finally a crate was loaded into the back of the pathfinder. We drove to the farthest end of the parking lot away from other people, cars, and noises. 

We opened the crate, helped him down, and Paul knelt beside him ... that picture is that moment. When I saw Bradley immediately take to Paul and lick him up his whole face I knew it was all going to be OK. 

He quickly adjusted and has become an absolute love! We needed someone to fill that void that Storm had left. 

There was a plan bigger than anyone could have imagined ... who imagines that a dog abandoned in a gas station parking lot in TX would end up in CT spoiled to death. 

I'm never really sure who needed who more .... but we were all supposed to end up together. I'm SO thankful that we did. 

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