

Day 2 - I am thankful for my morning commute

For the last nine years I worked at CSC, I worked remotely, in other words, from home. I know that working from home can sound really glamorous ... working when ever you want, conference calls in your PJs, stuff like that. Don't get me wrong - there was a lot of greatness about it. I thought my morning commute was a positive, I mean it involved walking from the kitchen to the corner of the dining room .. literally seconds and great for fuel economy. 

Then I got a job that I needed to actually go to, every day! It is a SHORT, easy commute for me, less than 20 min door to door. I have a safe and reliable car and I really like my job and co-workers, the drive was never a chore. 

Sometime in August, after a particularly hectic morning routine at home, I had a bit of an epiphany. This drive every morning is an opportunity to settle myself ... to leave the chaos of 4 people getting ready to head out for the day behind and start the process of charting my course for my work day. 

I mostly drive on I-395 but just before I arrive to campus, I turn on this secondary road through a neighborhood. I see the dad and his tiny human waiting for the bus. I drive a little further and I see another dad with his 2 black labs - an old timer and a not so old timer - and his 2 kids. Sometimes the son manages the old timer's leash. I drive a little bit farther, almost to campus, and I find my favorites. There is this adorable elderly couple that walks, holding hands. Seeing them in the morning, walking together, makes me smile .... a smile so big that I think you can "hear" it when I do.

This short time as I drive away from the chaos that is home, to the chaos that can be work ... I enjoy the peace of the car, the radio and the now, familiar, friends on my ride. 

#2 - I am thankful for my morning commute

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