
No Where to Go

Day 14 -I am thankful for nights with nothing 

Tonight we had NOTHING ... no School Facilities meeting, no PTO meeting, no Board of Ed (that's tomorrow) and it was not a dance night .... 

I'm thinking about it now and it is the only night this week we are home, with no where to go. 

Kristen was in the shower at 5:30 and I had the risotto started on the stove and the oven heating up.

By 7:00 pm everyone but Paul had eaten [he wasn't home from work yet], homework x2 was finished, and both kids were showered and in PJs. Backpacks had been emptied and re-packed. 

We had picked out new winter boots and the order submitted - on the day the 40% off your entire order coupon code arrived. 

Paul had time to eat before jumping into the bedtime routine. And now, the girls are sound asleep, Paul's out raking leaves in the super moon light and I'm making serious progress crossing things off my list. 

Day 14 -I am thankful for nights with nothing 

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