
Just a Little Patience

Day 16 - I am thankful for people who have patience

I am the team captain of our department Relay For Life team at work. For several years, we have sold wreaths. The week after Thanksgiving 150 "Made in Maine" wreaths will arrive for distribution. Sounds pretty easy, pretty straightforward - right? Did I mention that those wreaths all need a bow ....

We could order 150 from the Dollar store and tack them on. If we did that they would all look "store bought", they wouldn't be fancy, fluffy or upscale looking, AND it would cut into our funds raised.

That means someone or ones has to MAKE 150 flipping bows .... 2 of us non-bow makers decided that we'd like to help this year. 

So, on our lunch hour, we had bow making class .... I arrived a few minutes late causing the instructor to have to start over. I was immediately frustrated .... the ever patient teacher noticed I was holding my holding hand backwards ... that correction helped some. I FINALLY got one done. Then I tried a second ... still took a lot of guidance. Another experienced bow maker shouted encouragement over her cube wall ..... 

At the end of the 45 minutes ... I had 3 bows done and cramps in most of my fingers .... um I guess I should have started October 1st? 

I'm definitely not going to quit my day job, or my night job to make bows .. but I hope on some level I am contributing to our cause. 

Our teacher was beyond patient - kindly corrected, offered pointers, and quietly fixed our issues and made our bows look almost as good as hers. 

Maybe tomorrow I'll get 4 or 5 done!

Here's my beautiful bow ....

Day 16 - I am thankful for people who have patience

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