Yesterday I attended a BOE meeting. Sadly I had not checked the agenda and did not realize that it was starting 30 minutes later than usual. It also figures that this was the day that I arrived 20 minutes early.
I happened to know a couple of people who were also there and started chatting. Brooke's music teacher said "I'm so glad that Brooke is in Show Choir again this year"
He went on to tell me what a great kid she is - kind, thoughtful, happy, a real leader. I thanked him and told him that we are trying so very, very hard to raise good people. I told him this parenting thing is work and sometimes it is just plain HARD.
He smiled and said - you'd never know that it can be challenging. He went on to say "the work you're putting in - it shows"
When I finally got home and sat down at the computer to check some emails, I noticed a FB post from Kristen's kindergarten teacher. She and Kristen really connected and she had the perfect personality as we adjusted to our first school away from Jeanne's house.
This is what she had to say:
I just wanted to share with you...that Miss not so little Kristen came into my room yesterday and bravely read a flyer about the canned food drive to my class. She was so poised and confident. I could tell she was nervous by the way she read (but that's just because I know her so well
😊). I was so proud of her!!! What a difference 2 years can make!! Yayy Kristen!

Paul and I think that she has grown tremendously but hearing it from her made us both proud.
This parenting thing is not for the faint of heart. I am not sure there is one thing that I have done that can be more frustrating or fills with me more joy than parenthood
There's so much negative these days, I smile from the inside out when people share their experiences with my kids with me. I think we doing a good job - most of the time - it's nice to hear it from others.
Day 15 - I'm thankful for people who recognize how hard we're trying to raise good kids
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