

Day 3 - I am thankful for takeout

Today was one of those days ...

Just as I was heading out the door, I got the dreaded "do I have any clean uniform pants?"

That crisis was averted [meaning someone wore a skirt and leggings] and off I drove. 

It was not an overly chaotic day at the office, just full. I left on time, picked up from after school care and landed home a few minutes after 5. Zapped something for the girls, walked the dog, made a cup of coffee and headed back out. 

Delivered Pampered Chef orders and attended a PTO meeting. Arrived home to jump right into homework and get that load of uniforms in the washer. 

I've checked backpacks, signed reading logs, sorted some mail and 1 of the many piles on the peninsula. The laundry has made its way to the dryer and I'm sitting, finally, at my desk ... deciding where we are ordering from ... Subway? Irenes? Chinese? Somewhere for sure, because I definitely don't have cooking dinner in me right now.

Day 3 - I am thankful for takeout ... I am SO thankful for TAKEOUT

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