
Sunday Night Bowling

Day 13 - I am thankful for Sunday Night Bowling

The last 12 years, for 36 of the 52 weeks, you can find Paul and I at the old Norwich Ten Pin. We've had 3-4 team names but the teammates have always been the same - Mike and Kim. 

In the early days, we were just two dating couples. We'd bowl our 3 games, order dinner at the snack bar and they'd bring it to us in the bar. The four of us would eat, drink and be merry until late into the evening. Sometimes Monday mornings were a little slow going ... but man we loved Sunday nights. 

We had a loyal fan club ... Joe Ro, Mike's parents, and any number of French Canadian Aunts and Uncles. Sometimes a brother or sister, niece or neighbors. 

We delayed our honeymoon a day so we wouldn't miss Sunday night bowling. 

We went from dating couples, to engaged, to married with children. It took more effort to get there once the kids arrived and there were no more late night dinners in the bar. Most of the Sunday nights of Evelyn's first year were spent getting passed around the team.  

I'm convinced these few hours together as 4 adults - laughing, joking, and getting time to talk - without a million interruptions - is why our families are so connected. 

Day 13 - I am thankful for Sunday Night Bowling

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